
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 07:54:00
Lex专栏:全球通胀不同炎凉 Global inflation 英国《金融时报》 Lex专栏  



Too hot and too cold at the same time: the developed world fears deflation while in much of the developing world overcooked inflation preys on the mind.


The current inflation rate in almost all rich countries is below 2 per cent (Australia and the UK are exceptions). Morgan Stanley expects a 1.5 per cent rate for the whole group in 2010. And unless rapid economic growth stages a welcome but unexpected return, the predominant direction of pressure on prices and wages will remain resolutely downwards.

在几乎所有富裕国家,当前的通胀率都低于2%(澳大利亚和英国除外)。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)预计,2010年富国总体通胀率为1.5%。除非经济出人意料地恢复快速增长,否则物价和工资所承受的主要压力仍必然是下行方向。

By contrast, the emerging market inflation rate is about three times higher – expected at 5.4 per cent in 2010 – with central banks scrambling to slow the momentum.

相比之下,新兴市场的通胀率则高出了三倍左右——2010年预计为5.4% —— 各国央行正争相遏制通胀势头。

The main inflation difference between rich and poor countries is living standards: rising commodity prices have much more influence on the total cost of living for the poor. As prosperity spreads, more spending goes to items that have relatively stable prices: processed goods, services and rents (house prices do not figure in most inflation indices).


The global inflation imbalance can be traced back to the post-crisis stimulus, in both rich and poor countries. A significant portion of the river of cheap money flowed into commodity markets. The initial price recovery caused no problems, but the trend now threatens to create a vicious circle.


Central bankers in the rich world are hardly bothered by commodity excess (in the US, food and fuel prices are considered non-core and irrelevant), while their poor-country counterparts see rising prices of basic goods as a threat to monetary and social stability. They have to tighten policy, but raising policy interest rates risks attracting capital flows from still cash-flooded rich countries, creating yet more inflationary pressure.


Cheap money brings benefits for a time, but, as Goldilocks discovered to her cost, there is no such thing as a free lunch.




