中国的受教育者担忧未来 之二 糟糕的教育体系

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 12:42:04
中国的受教育者担忧未来 之二 糟糕的教育体系! P, X' ^9 ^% M1 D, `: |) o
【原文标题】Educated and Fearing The Future in China - A Terrible Education System
【原文作者】Yasheng Huang
【原文链接】 d7 ?- G4 e* t) |
AC四月青年社区2 c( ~8 t0 |" ^. ^
求真务实 理性交流, O) o, Q+ G+ l' c, S
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2010-3-18; H# ?+ `; F( D$ c2 S2 ^6 b0 d
Yasheng Huang是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的政治经济和国际管理教授。他著有《带有中国特色的资本主义》一书。他即将开始进行一项大规模的中国大学毕业生调查。
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有些人预测工程专业的中国学生中会有30%在毕业后找不到工作,大学毕业生的平均工资在向农民工的工资水平靠拢。与此同时,广东省的工厂却缺少足够的劳动力。这到底是怎么了?AC四月青年社区! M, V  ?/ L1 }1 {8 l! i; P0 x
bbs.anti-cnn.com8 g7 C" j! @0 x% Q4 I# s: Q/ _. D

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但是就业市场对大学毕业生来说的确是一个问题——就业机会被放置在了错误的地点。大学教育学生,然而在中国,大学同时还可以让年轻人有一个正式的权力到城市中心去生活。5 e9 l5 p% b7 w6 w% L
求真务实 理性交流: A" G  o" s9 x% y* q' }9 U" T
你无法对一个大学毕业生说:“你投入了多年的时间和大量的金钱在大学里,但是你的就业前景就在你家乡的村子里。”于是就有了一个工作地和毕业生所在地不匹配的问题。AC四月青年社区! {$ s0 G5 ]8 q; ^* B
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AC四月青年社区6 C$ g5 {: R6 b5 Y  |, p

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中国的教育系统糟糕之处在于无法为中国经济培养出具有创造性技能的人才。它培养出来的人只会记忆事实,而不会发现新东西;只会探听现有的解决方案,而不去寻找新方法;只会执行命令,而不会发明做事情的新方式。换句话说,他们无法为其雇主解决问题。求真务实 理性交流  @& j( Z/ y' o2 ]" ^. w8 V
AC四月青年社区6 g) U) W2 C: r8 J, l1 w# h

AC四月青年社区3 L' h1 w8 K  D! \1 Y
原文:7 q- u, x' k4 R/ y) R; c

Yasheng Huang is professor of political economy and international management at Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of “Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics” and will soon begin a large-scale survey of college graduates in China. 求真务实 理性交流: |3 |. |$ l, g' V" y6 o1 [) b- x
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In 2007, the job openings for new graduates fell by some 22 percent compared with 2006, according China’s National Development and Reform Commission.
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Some estimate that 30 percent of Chinese engineering students will not find jobs after graduation and that the average pay of the college graduates is now approaching that of rural migrant workers. At the same time, factories in Guangdong province cannot find enough labor. What is going on?
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The idea that China is running out of unskilled labor is a myth. The news reports typically concentrate on Guangdong but this does not mean the country as a whole is short of unskilled labor. Development in rural areas in the past six years has meant that rural residents, previously denied economic opportunities close to home, now have a choice between going to Guangdong and staying in their hometowns. Many choose to stay. Any “labor shortage” in Guangdong is mostly evidence that the factories should not be located there in the first place. 求真务实 理性交流/ ]8 e9 [7 u+ z; g$ s

But the job market is a problem for college graduates — with the opportunities created in the wrong places. Colleges educate students, but in China they also give a young person a formal right to move to an urban center. 

You cannot tell a Chinese college graduate, “you’ve invested years and money in a college education, but your job prospects are in your home village.” So there is now a geographic mismatch between locations of jobs and locations of college graduates.bbs.anti-cnn.com1 C, L/ T, _& M( E3 j/ C7 w
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Secondly, there is a skills mismatch. In my conversations with Chinese managers and entrepreneurs, they constantly complain about a shortage of people with the right set of skills, capabilities and inclinations. China is so short of the right human capital, and books with titles like, “War for Talent,” are best sellers in China.