
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 20:38:19


【英文题名】Study on the Metal Mineral Resources Security and Developing Strategy
【中文关键词】矿产资源; 资源供给; 资源需求; 铁矿资源; 评价模型
【英文关键词】Mineral Resources; Resources supply; resource requirement; iron ore resources evaluation model


【英文摘要】 Today, the economic globalization tendency speeds up is the main features of the world economic development, the economic globalization brings the profit is not only can realized the mineral resources optimization disposition around the world, but also makes the ownership of the mineral resources for more intense in the world . In the 21st century, global oil prices rising dramatically, iron, tungsten, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel, gold and other important mineral prices climbing higher and higher, so that the mineral resources became the focus of attention of international question which mutual influence with the international financial order and the international political order.In this paper, a multidisciplinary cross-cutting perspective, established metal ores (mainly iron ore for example) Safety Evaluation resources in real terms, that is, metal mineral resources from the national security strategy is to evaluate the safety point of view, the metal mineral resources through the theory and Safety Evaluation Methods revealed for the realization of China\'s goal of a comprehensive well-off metal mineral resources protection and sustainable use of countermeasures. China\'s mineral resources from the security status of the analysis that the status quo of China\'s metal security resources, analysis of China\'s mineral resources evaluation of the safety status quo, at the same time pointed out that the current iron ore resource security presence on the limitations of the status quo. Through the iron ore resources security system analysis of the impact of factors, the basis of previous research, and put forward specific metal mineral resources security strategy of the evaluation model.This paper on the subject in the course of the study, from the previous research results, to use the scientific method of qualitative and quantitative analysis of mineral resources in economic theory and application bold innovation, and constantly enrich and improve the safety evaluation of mineral resources system theory and methods, such as in the original mineral resources on the basis of evaluation method, try to use variable weight evaluation model portfolio on China\'s mineral resources in a comprehensive evaluation of the security situation analysis, and increase the scientific nature of the evaluation system. At the same time, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combined. In the security and development of mineral resources strategic research in the field, through the use of quantitative analysis method - Grey System Evaluation Model, vector autoregressive model, variable weights model portfolio evaluation model of its mineral resources security and the impact of the factors relations. However, mineral resources system is a complex system, involving many factors that level, complex relationships, fully quantitative analysis method it is very difficult, therefore, to take a combination of both analytical methods.In this paper, metal mineral resources in the most representative example of the iron ore resources. On the iron ore resources of its own capacity for analysis and calculation, together with the related demand elasticity theory or model of China\'s current iron ore resources or the safety of in-depth research, the first of its kind in the country. At the same time, the metal mineral resources on safety evaluation of major significance to the metal mineral resources security and sustainable development, international trade and other aspects of political and economic relations between the comprehensive theoretical analysis, the establishment of various quantitative model for China\'s current system metal ores (mainly iron ore for example) resources for the safety evaluation of the mineral resources of our country\'s current security situation made judgement, and summed up the developed countries for the protection of mineral resources to the safety of the global resources strategies, policies and methods proposed highly appropriate and feasible sustainable development of mineral resources security strategy.
内容摘要 3-5 Abstract 5-11 第一章 绪论 11-17     1.1 选题的背景及意义 11-13     1.2 研究对象 13-14     1.3 研究方法 14-15     1.4 研究内容 15-17 第二章 矿产资源安全评价研究 17-36     2.1 矿产资源安全评价概述 17-26         2.1.1 矿产资源安全的科学内涵 17-20         2.1.2 矿产资源安全与国家安全的关系 20-22         2.1.3 资源安全与可持续发展的内在联系 22-26     2.2 金属矿产资源安全评价的意义和作用 26-29         2.2.1 金属矿产资源安全评价的意义和作用 26-28         2.2.2 金属矿产资源安全评价与矿产评估的区别 28-29     2.3 金属矿产资源安全评价方法 29-34         2.3.1 金属矿产资源安全评价研究现状及其局限性 30-31         2.3.2 金属矿产资源安全体系的影响因素 31-34     2.4 本章小结 34-36 第三章 金属矿产资源安全评价模型研究 36-47     3.1 金属矿产资源评价模型 36     3.2 灰色系统评价模型 36-39         3.2.1 灰色 GM(1,1)模型 37-38         3.2.2 灰色Verhulst模型 38-39     3.3 向量自回归模型 39-41     3.4 变权重组合评价模型 41-45     3.5 本章小结 45-47 第四章 矿产资源安全评价模型构建 47-85     4.1 未来矿产资源需求量评价 47-57         4.1.1 灰色 GM(1,1)模型 48-51         4.1.2 向量自回归模型评价结果 51-56         4.1.3 变权重组合评价模型评价结果 56-57     4.2 中国铁矿资源安全综合评价 57-80         4.2.1 中国铁矿资源评价标准 57-58         4.2.2 中国铁矿资源基础评价 58-66         4.2.3 中国铁矿资源的弹性系数分析 66-75         4.2.4 中国铁矿资源的承载力分析 75-80     4.3 中国铁矿资源发展能力评价 80-81     4.4 中国铁矿资源供应风险评价 81-83     4.5 本章小结 83-85 第五章 国外矿产资源安全战略模式分析 85-104     5.1 铁矿资源市场及产业现状 85-89         5.1.1 国际铁矿石市场 85-87         5.1.2 铁矿石资源高度集中 87-89     5.2 世界铁矿资源安全现状分析 89-94         5.2.1 近年来国际铁矿资源市场特点 90         5.2.2 铁矿资源价格全线暴涨 90-91         5.2.3 铁矿资源生产与供应高度集中 91-93         5.2.4 国际铁矿市场走势 93-94     5.3 发达国家矿产资源安全战略选择 94-100         5.3.1 美国矿产资源安全战略 95-97         5.3.2 日本矿产资源安全战略 97-99         5.3.3 加拿大矿产资源安全战略 99-100     5.4 发达国家资源安全战略对中国的启示 100-102     5.5 本章小结 102-104 第六章 中国铁矿资源安全战略分析研究 104-130     6.1 我国铁矿资源安全需重点解决的问题 104-107     6.2 中国铁矿资源产业市场化战略 107-109         6.2.1 进一步完善规范矿业权市场 108         6.2.2 发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用 108-109         6.2.3 创造公平竞争的市场环境 109     6.3 中国铁矿资源全球化战略 109-117         6.3.1 扩展铁矿资源走出去战略 109-113         6.3.2 实施铁矿资源进口多元化 113-116         6.3.3 实施和完善铁矿资源保护措施 116         6.3.4 实施境外铁矿资源风险勘探和开发 116-117     6.4 中国铁矿资源自我储备战略 117-123         6.4.1 建立我国铁矿资源自我储备战略总体原则 117-118         6.4.2 建立矿产储备制度和储备机构 118         6.4.3 采取多种形式进行矿产储备 118-119         6.4.4 建立矿产储备专项经费 119-121         6.4.5 中国铁矿资源储备的调控运作机制 121-123     6.5 中国铁矿资源可持续发展战略 123-129         6.5.1 稳定国内外铁矿资源供应 123-125         6.5.2 节约和再生铁矿资源 125-128         6.5.3 虚拟铁矿资源安全评价模式 128-129     6.6 本章小结 129-130 第七章 全文总结 130-135     7.1 全文主要内容 130-133     7.2 论文主要创新和研究成果 133     7.3 论文研究展望 133-135 参考文献 135-144 致谢 144-145 攻读博士学位期间发表的论文 145
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