
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/19 18:42:43

论文导师 廖云,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 光学工程
论文单位 电子科技大学,点击次数 26,论文页数 57页File Size1229K
2006-05-01论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_108028332/
optical scattering;degree of depolarization;Monte carlo simulation;Stokes vector;Mueller matrix;blue-green laser
研究蓝绿激光在海水中的散射特性以及由散射引起的退偏现象,是为了解决水下通信、探测、成像的相关问题。本文综述了海水对光的吸收、散射特性以及海水的内在光学性质和外在光学性质;详细介绍了海水的散射理论,包括瑞利散射、Mie散射以及Mie散射的偏振理论。 本文以球形粒子的Mie散射理论、Stokes矢量法以及Mueller矩阵来研究海水的散射特性和散射中的退偏振度变化;通过Monte Carlo方法模拟蓝绿激光在海水传输过程中的散射现象以及散射中的退偏度变化与海水深度的关系,发现随着海水深度的增加,散射后的光斑半径、退偏振度将逐渐增大。最后通过光学工程软件(LightTools)对海水中的散射进行仿真实验,研究散射与海水中粒子密度、粒子大小和相对折射率的关系。实验结果表明,随着粒子半径、粒子密度和相对折射率的增加,散射的强度将显著增加。本文的研究方法和研究结果,对提高水下通信、探测和成像系统的性能提供了理论基础和实验验证。
To study blue-green laser light scattering and polarization status changes in the ocean,is used to resolve the relative problem of optical communication,detection and imaging under water.In the paper,sea water characteristic of absorption and scatter- ing,and intrinsic optical character and extrinsic optical character of sea water are summed up;The scattering theories of sea water,including Rayleigh scattering ,Mie scattering by spherical particles and polarization theories of Mie scattering,are described in detail. It was studied in the article that scattering characteristic and its polarization status changes in the sea water are based on the Mie scattering theories of spherical parti- cle,Stokes vector and Muller matrix. A Monte Carlo algorithm was presented to model the relation between the scattering phenomenon,depolarization changes and sea water depth,It is discovered that the radius of scattering point and the degree of depolarization increase with increasing of the sea water depth.At last,a optical engineering software (LightTools) is introduced to simulate optical scattering in the deep sea water ,and studys the corelation between scattering and relative refractive index,particle density and particle size in the sea water.The experiment results show that the intensity of scattering will increase evidently with the increasing of particle size,particle density and relative refractive index.The methods and results in the article provide the basic theory and experiment validation for improving performance of communication ,detection and imaging under sea water.

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