研究综述——web,intelligence,WI,recommend,system,personalization (5月)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 14:42:16


《Web user behaviors prediction system using trend similarity (2007).pdf》里面提到的预测模型、检验模型、实验数据的获取方法等,比较好理解,可以参考。


《Who predicts better-- results from an online study comparing humans and an online recommender system(2008).pdf》对比分析了人工和机器推荐。


《WebKDD/SNAKDD 2007 - Web Mining and Social Network Analysis Post-Workshop Report》重点分析了WebKDD/SNAKDD 2007有特色的论文,以后可以重点看看,说不定有新的启发。


 《Toward the Exploitation of Social Access Patterns for Recommendation》以YouTube为例,解释了如何利用所有用户的历史搜索记录、历史浏览记录,为当前用户的搜索和浏览服务,没有高深的模型,4 pages,较好理解。如果以后给某个网站做类似服务的时候可以参考。另,作者还有另外两篇文章也是相关内容:
[3] R. Farzan, M. Coyle, J. Freyne, P. Brusilovsky, and B. Smyth. Adaptive Social Support for Information Space Traversal. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (In Press) 2007, Manchester,UK, 2007. ACM.
[4] J. Freyne, R. Farzan, P. Brusilovsky, B. Smyth, and M. Coyle. Collecting Community Wisdom: Integrating Social Search and Social Navigation. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces, January 28-31, 2007,, pages 52–61, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA, 2007. ACM.
 可以发现,这些文章都有一个关键词social,以后如果想详细的看类似文章的时候可以利用这个关键词试试。其实还可以结合协同过滤的知识,那样更完整。  Ontology Based WI 应该很有研究价值,下面是几篇相关的论文,有时间可以仔细看看: X. Zhang, L. Jing, X. Hu, M. Ng, and X. Zhou. A comparative study of ontology based term similarity measures on pubmed document clustering. In K. Ramamohanarao, P. R. Krishna, M. K. Mohania, and E. Nantajeewarawat, editors, DASFAA, volume 4443 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 115{126. Springer, 2007.   去Springer可以搜到; M. Vanzin and K. Becker. Ontology-based rummaging mechanisms for the interpretation of web usage patterns. In EWMF/KDO, volume 4289 of LNCS, pages 180{195. Springer, 2005. P. Buitelaar, P. Cimiano, and B. Magnini. Learning taxonomic relations from heterogeneous sources of evidence. In Ontology Learning from Text: Methods, Evaluation and Applications, volume 123 of Frontiers in Arti cial Intelligence, pages 59{73. IOS Press, 2005. A comparative study for domain ontology guided feature extraction   ………………………………………………………………………………… 《Representation and Dimensionality Reduction of Semantically Enriched Clickstreams》看的云里雾里。不过前面的综述还是有价值的,可以参考,另外,上面Ontology Based的几篇论文应该可以找到思路,二者结合其实可以出一篇paper。