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中國現代思想史研究的回顧與前瞻作者:张洪彬 提交日期:2008-10-22 13:40:00 | 分类: | 访问量:318无名氏:中國現代思想史研究的回顧與前瞻
一、 革命及進化史觀
二、 馬列主義與唯物史觀
三、 啟蒙、西化及現代化史觀
四、 典範的危機
五、 與文化史與社會史結合的研究
六、 後現代史觀
七、 多元的時代:人物、主義、思潮、思想門類、觀念、心態、學派、地理分佈、年輩差異、性別、contextuality等的研究。
八、 大陸史學:政治思想、社會思潮、國學與儒學、人物思想與傳記、西學在中國
九、 重新認識歷史的主體性
十、 斷代與分期問題:時代的基本性質與各期特性
十一、 主體與客體及連續與非連續性問題
1953. Joseph Richmond Levenson, Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and the Mind of Modern China.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1953.
1957.Wright, Mary Clabaugh. The Last Stand of Chinese Conservatism: The T'ung-chih Restoration, 1862-1874. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1957.
1958. Levenson, Joseph R. Confucian China and Its Modern Fate: A Trilogy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.
1960. Chow Tse-tsung. The May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960.
1961. Schwartz, Benjamin. Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961.
1964.Schwartz, Benjamin. In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1964.
1965.Ch'en, Jerome. Mao and the Chinese Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965.
1967.Meisner, Maurice. Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967.
1968.Tsi-an Hsia, The Gate of Darkness.Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968.
1970. Grieder, Jerome. Hu Shih and the Chinese Renaissance: Liberalism in the Chinese Revolution, 1917-1937. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970.
1970.Charlotte Furth, Ting Wen-chiang: Science and China's New Culture.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970.
1971.Chang, Hao. Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and Intellectual Transition in China, 1890-1907. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.
1971.D. Roy, Kuo Mo-jo: the Early Years.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.
1971.D. W. Y. Kwok, Scientism in Chinese Thought.New York: Biblo and Tannen, 1971.
1972.Schwartz, Benjamin. ed. Reflections on the May Fourth Movement: A Symposium. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ., 1972.
1973. Wakeman, Frederic. History and Will: Philisophic Perspectives of Mao Tse-tung's Thought. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973.
1973.Lee, Leo Ou-fan. The Romantic Generation of Chinese Writers. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1973.
1974. Cohen, Paul. Between Tradition and Modernity: Wang T'ao and Reform in Late Ch'ing China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
1975. Hsiao, Kung-ch'uan. A Modern China and a New World: K'ang Yu-wei, Reformer and Utopian, 1858-1927. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975.
1976. Furth, Charlotte, ed. The Limits of Change: Essays on Conservative Alternatives in Republican China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976.
1976. P. West, Yenching University and Sino-Western Relations, 1916-1952 .Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976.
1979. Lin Yu-sheng. The Crisis of Consciousness: Radical Anti-traditionalism in the May Fourth Era. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979.
1979.Alitto, Guy. The Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
1980. Terrill, Ross. Mao: A Biography. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.
1981. Pickowicz, Paul. Marxist Literary Thought in China: The Influence of Ch'u Ch'iu-pai. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981.
1981.Grieder, Jerome. Intellectuals and the State in Modern China: A Narrative History. New York: The Free Press, 1981. 2
1982. Spence, Jonathan. The Gate of Heavenly Peace: Chinese Intellectuals and Their Revolution, 1895-1980. New York: Penguin Books, 1982.
1983.Pusey, James. China and Charles Darwin. Cambridge: Harvard University Council on East Asian Studies, 1983.
1984. Elman, Benjamin. From Philosophy to Philology Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
1985.Leo Ou-fan Lee, Lu Xun and His Legacy.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.
1986. Schwarcz, Vera. The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and the Legacy of the May Fourth Movement of 1919. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
1987. Lee, Leo Ou-fan. Voices from the Iron House: A study of Lu Xun. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.
1987.Chang, Hao. Chinese Intellectuals in Crisis: Search for Order and Meaning (1890-1911). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
1988.Dennerline, Jerry. Qian Mu and the World of Seven Mansions. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.
1989. Dirlik, Arif. The Origins of Chinese Communism. New York: Oxford, 1989.
1989. Schram, Stuart. The Thought of Mao Tse-tung. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989.
1989. Wong, Young-tsu. Search for Modern Nationalism:Zhang Binglin and Revolutionary China, 1869-1936. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1989.
1990. Zarrow, Peter G. Anarchism and Chinese Political Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
1990.Elman, Benjamin. Classicism, Politics and Kinship: The Ch'ang-chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
1991. Dirlik, Arif. Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.
1991. Reardon-Anderson, James. The Study of Change.
1992. Dikotter Frank The Discourse of Race in Modern China . London : C. Hurst & Co., 1992
1994.Hoston, Germaine. The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
1996. Tang, Xiaobing. Global Space and the Nationalist Discourse of Modernity: The Historical Thinking of Liang Qichao. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1996.
84 彭明,《五四運動史》(北京:人民,1984)
91方克力等編,《現代新儒家研究叢書》(遼寧大學,1991- )
92錢宏等編,《國學大師叢書》(南昌:百花洲文藝,1992- )
2000 陳平原,《中國現代學術之建立──以章太炎、胡適之為中心》(臺北:麥田出版,2000年)
94歐陽哲生,《嚴復評傳》(南昌: 百花洲文藝, 1994)
98黃克武,《自由的所以然:嚴復對約翰彌爾自由思想的認識與批判》(台北:允晨文化,1998) 4