
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 06:43:18
   2008年中国ATM机市场研究报告             发布日期:2008-08                      附件:下载                     2007年底,中国联网ATM 机已经达到12.3 万台,近5 年国内ATM 设备保有量实现了年均20.22%的复合增长。整体ATM机市场保有量已经达到13.8万台。中国每百万人均ATM机数量也由2005年底的75台,增加到2007年底的96台。和世界每百万人均240台相比,中国ATM市场处在成长期,发展迅速,发展空间大。 图:中国历年联网ATM机保有量及新增量情况
数据来源:中国银联,中国人民银行 整理:ResearchInChina   2007年,ATM机市场上增长最快的是存取款一体机,市场份额由2006年的10%上升到35.90%。随着社会经济的发展,人们不满足于仅仅只能从ATM上取钱,很多时候还希望能方便的进行现金存款。特别是近年来信用卡使用量的快速增长,很多信用卡持卡人都希望能够方便的通过ATM进行还款,这就需要银行布放更多的存取款一体机,预计2008存取款一体机仍将快速增长。   2007年ATM市场上仍由国外企业(迪堡、NCR、德利多富等)主导,但市场重心正在向国产品牌倾斜。国产品牌如广电运通、御银股份增长迅速。2006年,国产品牌占据2成市场份额,2007年,国产品牌占据3成多市场份额。   ATM市场技术及资金壁垒都比较高。2007年,恒宝股份凭借其银行和运营商两个行业的客户资源与渠道优势,与LG合作开始进军ATM行业,预计2009年开始在ATM市场占有一席之地。届时,国内厂商将形成广电运通,御银股份,恒宝股份三足鼎立之势。   本研究报告数据来源于中国银联、中国银行家协会、中国人民银行、Tremont capital Group、NBR 、ATMIA、国家信息中心和国家统计局等国内外权威渠道。   By the end of 2007, the number of networked ATM machines has reached 123,000 units in China, where the compound average growth rate of ATM machines was 20.22% in the past five years, and meanwhile China’s total number of ATM machines has reached 138,000 units. The number of ATM machines per million of people in China rose to 96 units in 2007 from 75 units in 2005. Compared with the world’s average number of 240 ATM machine per million of people, China’s ATM market is still in a period of rapid growth, and has a large space for development. Total Number & Newly Added ATM in China, 2000-2007
Source:China UnionPay, The People's Bank of China  In 2007, cash recycling system had the rapidest growth, and its market share increased to 35.90% from 10% in 2006 in ATM market. With social-economic development, people are no longer satisfied with ATM, by which they can only withdraw money, and they hope they can deposit cash easily by ATM. Especially with the fast growth in use of credit cards in recent years, many credit card holders hope that they can repay by ATM. Therefore, banks are requested to install more cash recycling systems. It is forecasted that cash recycling system market will continue to grow rapidly in 2008. In 2007, ATM market was still dominated by foreign companies like Diebold, NCR and Wincor Nixdorf. However, the market has begun inclining to local ATM machines gradually. Some local brands, for instance, such as GRGBanking and KingTeller have developed rapidly recently. In 2007, China’s brands took up more than 30% of total ATM market, a big rise from 20% posted in 2006. ATM market has high market entry barriers in terms of technology and funds. With its advantages in client resources and channels of banks, Hengbao in cooperation with LG started to enter ATM industry in 2007 and is expected to grab a certain market shares starting from 2009, when GRGBanking, KingTeller and Hengbao will be the key local ATM manufacturers in the market. The report is based on the authoritative statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the China UnionPay, the China Banking Association, the People's Bank of China and the State Information Center, as well as information from Tremont Capital Group, NBR and ATMIA. 4. Business Operation of China ATM Manufacturers 
4.1 Anxun (Beijing) Banking Equipment System Co., Ltd.   
4.2 Diebold
4.3 Oki Electric Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 
4.4 GRGBanking
4.5 Mercuries System Equipment(Nanjing)Ltd. 
4.6 Guangzhou KingTeller Technology Co. Ltd.,
4.7 Hengbao
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