
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 18:41:25
  206,Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?
  207,What do you intend to do ?您打算怎么办
  208,I got the feeling I screwed up.我觉得我把事情搞砸了。
  screwed up完蛋了
  209,Can you show me the way to the zoo ?劳驾告诉我去动物园的路怎么走?
  210,Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信了吗?
  211,I ’d like to cancel my reservation.我想取消预约。
  212,I’ve been watching TV all night.我看了一晚上电视。
  213,Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.不要把所有的鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里
  214,I’d like to have my hair washed and set.我想洗头,并做头发。
  215,True affluence is not needing anything.真正的富裕是一无所求
  216,There ’s an apple in the basket.篮子里有一个苹果。
  217,What time does the curtain go up?什么时候开演?
  218,I prefer fishing to swimming.比起游泳,我更喜欢钓鱼。
  219,Call the plumber to fix the toilet.给水管工打个电话来修理厕所
  220,I’ve got a headache and feel chilly.我头疼,身上发冷。
  221,I ’d like to enlarge a photograph.我想放大一张照片。
  222,Let’s wrap up the discussion.让我们结束这次讨论吧。
  223,Are you free this Thursday afternoon?您这个周四下午有空吗?
  224,I’m afraid all my efforts were in vain.我担心我的努力全白费了
  225,Allow me to cite an example .允许我举一个例子。
  226,You can kill two birds with one stone.一举两得。
  227,He is going to buy her a gift .他要给她买件礼物。
  228,I’m looking for a part time job.我正在找兼职工作
  229,The airport is closed by fog .机场被大雾笼罩着。
  230,I’m under a lot of pressure.我的压力很大
  affluence[’æfluəns] n. 富裕,富足,丰富
   curtain [’kə:tn] n. 帐,幕,窗帘
  vt. 装帘子于,遮掉
  n. 帐,幕,窗帘
  vt. 装帘子于,遮掉
  n. 水管工人’tɔilit]
  n. 梳妆,打扮;盥洗室
  vi. 梳妆,打扮;上盥洗室
  vt. 给…穿衣;照料上厕所
  n. 梳妆,打扮;盥洗室
  vi. 梳妆,打扮;上盥洗室
  vt. 给…穿衣;照料上厕所
  n. 水管工人TO “clifechen”
  TO  “彼年豆蔻” 
  Thanks,I would appreciate your comments.