
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 01:54:01
Studies on Amphibian Two-stroke Oils and Evaluating Techniques
论文导师 解世文,论文学位 博士,论文专业 动力机械及工程
论文单位 天津大学,点击次数 8,论文页数 124页File Size6759k
2005-06-01论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_105562937/
Amphibious oil;Detergency;Lubricity;Air-cooled two-stroke oil;Water-cooled two-stroke oil
本文在NMMA TC-W3油和JASOFC油评定技术及其装备的基础上,提出了水、陆通用高性能环保型二冲程油的评定技术方案,即通用油评定程序包括:通用油的清净性评定试验、润滑性评定试验以及排烟特性评定试验。并制定了相应的试验方法。通过对风水冷二冲程润滑油清净性评定技术及其装备的研究,提出了通用油清净性评定方法,并建立了相应的单缸、液冷比亚乔180发动机试验台架——通用油清净性评定台架。采用水冷TC-W3油润滑性评定方法,作为通用油润滑性的评定方法;并选用日本本田(HONDA)生产的HONDA AF27风冷发动机,建立了相应的润滑性试验台架——通用油润滑性评定台架。采用风冷JASOFC油的排烟试验方法作为通用油的排烟评定方法;同时,为了减少投资,本文采用风冷二冲程油排烟的试验台架作为通用油排烟试验台架。选用不同的TC-W3油分别进行舷外机的系泊试验和OMCJ70舷外机试验,试验结果与通用油清净性评定台架上的试验结果相比较,结果表明,通用油清净性评定台架试验结果正确,区分效果明显。选用不同的风冷标准参比油,在通用油清净性评定台架上进行试验,结果表明,风冷二冲程润滑油的清净性明显优于水冷二冲程润滑油,并制定了通用油的清净性通过指标。对通用油的润滑性评定试验台架以及通用油排烟试验台架进行验证试验,试验结果表明,台架试验结果正确。本文使用VisualC++程序语言独立开发了通用二冲程油润滑性评定试验数据自动采集、处理软件系统,提高了试验数据的测量精度,减轻了试验人员的工作量。本文选用美国TC-W3复合剂(S833)配制出符合TC-W3标准的标准TC-W3润滑油(标准油),以该标准油为基础油强化配方,在确保其润滑性等TC-W3指标前提下,加强基础油及功能添加剂,降低其排烟,减少沉积物的生成,配制成通用油油样6个。通过分析,本文筛选出符合粘度级别SAE20的通用油油样1号样和符合粘度级别SAE30的通用油油样5号样作为通用油的备选油样。对通用油1号样和5号样进行通用油评定试验,由试验结果可知:通用油5号样通过了通用油清净性试验和润滑性试验,但没有通过排烟试验。而通用油1号样则通过了通用油评定的所有程序,说明本文所配制的通用油1号样是既符合风冷JASOFC标准又符合水冷TC-W3标准的高性能环保型的通用油。
Based on the evaluating techniques andequipment of NMMA TC-W3 oils andJASO FC oils, the proposal ofevaluating technique for amphibian excellentenvironmental protectiontype two-stroke oil was put forward in the dissertation,which includeddetergency test procedure, lubricity test procedure, and smoketestprocedure for evaluating amphibious two-stroke gasoline engineoils.By research on the evaluating technique for excellent air-cooled,andexcellent water-cooled two-stroke oils, the detergency testprocedure forevaluating amphibious two-stroke gasoline engine oils wasestablished. Andcorrespond to the test procedure, the test-bed,adopting single cylinder, liquid-cooled,Piaggio 180 engine, wasestablished, which was applied to evaluate detergency ofamphibioustwo-stroke gasoline engine oils.The lubricity test procedure forevaluating excellent water-cooledtwo-stroke oil (TC–W3 oils) wasintroduced to evaluate the lubricity ofamphibious two-stroke gasolineengine oils. And the test-bed adopting air-cooledHONDA AF 27 typeengine was founded——the test-bed for evaluating detergencyof amphibioustwo-stroke gasoline engine oils.The smoke test procedure for evaluatingexcellent air-cooled two-stroke gasolineengine oils was used forevaluating smoke of amphibious two-stroke gasoline engineoils. A t thesame time the test-bed for evaluating excellent air-cooled two-strokeoils(JASO FC) was utilized to evaluate the smoke of amphibioustwo-stroke gasolineengine oils.Selected different excellentwater-cooled two-stroke oils (NMMA TC-W3 oils)to test on the outboardengine secure test rig and on the OMC J70 outboard engine testrig. Theresult indicated that the trend of data was consistent with the trendof datafrom the test-bed for evaluating detergency of amphibioustwo-stroke gasoline engineoils. And the test-bed differentiateddifferent oils distinctly.Selected different air-cooled two-strokereference oils to test on the test-bed forevaluating detergency ofamphibious two-stroke gasoline engine oils. The resultindicated thatthe detergency of air-cooled two-stroke oils was more excellentthanthat of water-cooled two-stroke oils (TC–W3 oils). And thedetergency criterion ofamphibious two-stroke gasoline engine oils wasestablished.Validating tests were experimented on lubricity test-bed,and smoke test-bed forevaluating amphibious two-stroke gasoline engineoils. The results were validated tobe correct.Used Visual C++ programlanguage, the program for the lubricity proceduresfor evaluatingamphibious two-stroke gasoline engine oils was developedindependently.This program could automatically real-time collect datafrom the systemof test-bed and deal with the data, could improve themeasure precision,and relieve the test worker.Selected the US compound addictive (S833)for TC-W3 oils to confectthe oil that conformed to TC-W3 standards,namely standard oil. Servedthis standard oil for base oil to confectthe amphibious two-stroke gasolineengine oils, through added someaddictives to lower the smoke and lessen the deposits,at the same time,enhanced the formulation to keep its lubricity etc. Thenumber ofamphibious oil samples was six.By analyzing the amphibious oil samples,sample 1 that conform to viscosityclass SAE 20 and sample 5 thatconform to viscosity class SAE 30 were selected.Sample 1 and sample 5were tested on the amphibious oil evaluating test-bed.The resultindicated that sample 5 passed the detergency test and the lubricitytest forevaluating amphibious two-stroke gasoline engine oils, but thesmoke test. However,sample 1 passed all the tests of amphibioustwo-stroke gasoline engine oils, that is tosay, sample 1 conformed tothe criterion of excellent air-cooled two-stroke oils (JASOFC oils) aswell as conformed to the criterion of excellent water-cooledtwo-strokeoils (TC-W3 oils).