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宗教场所设施词汇英文翻译对照 [Places of Worship]

壁画 fresco
彩色玻璃窗 stained glass window
唱诗班 choir
大教堂 cathedral
大修道院 abbey
佛塔 pagoda
祭坛 high altar; sacrificial altar
讲道台 pulpit
教堂 church
礼拜堂 church
庙宇 temple
教堂联合会 collegiate church
女修道院 convent
清真寺 mosque
神殿 sanctuary
圣杯 chalice
圣饼盒 ciborium; pyx
圣水池 holy-water basin
圣所 sanctuary
圣体容器 ciborium; pyx

宗教分类词汇英文翻译对照 [Category of Religions]

白莲教 White Lotus Society
拜火教 Zoroastrianism
拜物教 Fetishism; fetishism
大同教 Bahaism
道教 Taoism
东正教 Orthodox Church;Orthodoxy
吠陀教 Vedaism
佛教 Buddhism
伏都教 voodooism
高台教 Caodaism
红教 Mongolian Lamaism
黄教 Shamanism
基督教 Christianity
景教 Nestorianism
喇嘛教 Lamaism
罗马公教 Roman Catholic Church; Church of Rome
密教 Esoteric Buddhism; Tantrism
密宗 Esoteric Buddhism; Tantrism
摩门教 Mormonism
摩尼教 Manicheism 宗教节日分类词汇英文翻译对照 [Religious Festivals]

安息日 Sabbath
大斋期 Lent [forty days before the Easter]
复活节 Easter Sunday; Easter
告解节 Shrove Tuesday [the day before Ash Wednesday]
吉尔邦节 Corban Festival
降灵节 Whitsunday [the 7th Sunday after Easter]
开斋节 Balram
祈祷节 Rogation Days [3 days before Ascension Day]
圣诞节 Christmas [Dec. 25]
圣诞节前夜 Christmas Eve [Dec. 24]
圣火星期三 Ash Wednesday [the 7th Wendnesday before Easter]
圣母升天节 Assumption [Aug. 15]
圣母往见节 Visitation [July 2]
圣三主日 Trinity Sunday; Trinity [the 8th Sunday after Easter]
圣神降临周 Whitsun; Whitsuntide
圣体节 Corpus Christi
圣心节 Feast of the Sacred Heart
圣周 Holy Week [a week before Easter]
圣烛节 Candlemas [Feb. 2]
施洗约翰节 Midsummer Day [June 24]

中国神话人物英文翻译对照 [Chinese Mythological Characters]

八仙 the Eight Immortals
比干 Pi Kan [civil god of wealth]
毕升 Pi Sheng [patrons of printers]
仓颉 Cang Jie [the inventor of Chinese characters in legend]
杜康 Du Kang [patron of restaurant keepers and alcohol merchants]
冯道 Feng Dao [patrons of printers]
冯节 Feng Chieh [gods of carvers of seals and stone tablets]
伏羲 Fu Hsi [god of philosophy; god of fishery and husbandry]
福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity
葛洪 Ko Hung [god of dyers]
共工 Kung Kung [god of water]
关公 Kuan Kung [god of war]
观音 Kuan Yin [goddess of mercy]
后羿 Houyi [a legendary hero who shot down nine suns]
胡敬德 Hu Ching-te [gate gods]
华佗 Hua Tuo [a famous surgeon]
黄帝 Yellow Emperor
霍大山 Huo Ta-shan [god of mountains]
济公 Jigong [a legendary monk who helped people with a magic fan]
济公活佛 Jigong [mad healer]
佛教词汇英文翻译对照 [Religious Terms - Buddhism]

阿赖耶 abode; resting-place
阿赖耶识 the receptacle, intellect, or consciousness
阿弥陀佛 Amitabha ; boundless light
爱火 the fire of love
爱欲 lust
八大人觉经 The Sutra of Eightfold Enlightenment
八识规矩颂释论 An Explanation of the Song on the Rules of the Eighth Consciousness
八正道 the "eightfold noble paths"
白马寺 the White Horse Temple
百衲衣 monk's robe of patches
般若 knowing; understanding
般若波罗密 the acme of wisdom
宝剎 the precious ksetra; Buddha realm; monastery
宝筏 the precious raft of Buddhatruth
本觉 primal awareness
本生经 Jataka Sutra; Birth Tales Sutra
比丘 bhiksu; monk
比丘尼 bhiksuni; nun
波罗门 Brahmin
波罗密多 aid to crossing over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore
回教词汇英文翻译对照 [Religious Terms - Islam]

阿拉 Allah
慈善捐款 zakat; sadaqat
赴麦加朝圣的回教徒 hajji; haji; hajj; hadji
回教 Islam; Islamism; Mohammedanism
回教贵族 amir; ameer
回教祭师 imam
回教纪元 Hegira
回教首领 Iman
回教徒 Moslem; Moslim
回教隐士 santon
回教主 caliph
回历 Muslim lunar calendar
回历八月 Shaban
回历二月 Safar
回历九月 Ramadan
回历六月 Jumada II second
回历七月 Rajab
回历三月 Rabia I first
回历十二月 Dhuhaja
回历十一月 Dhugada
天主教和基督教词汇英文翻译对照 [Religious Terms - Catholicism & Christianity]


阿门 amen
阿摩司书 Amos
爱 love
安息日 Sabbath
本堂牧师 pastor
彼得后书 Peter II; Peter the second
彼得前书 Peter I; Peter the first
伯利恒 Bethlehem
布道员 evangelist
长老 presbyter
长老会 Presbyterian Church
唱诗班 choir
晨祷 morning prayer; [Latin] matins
出埃及记 Exodus
传道 to preach
传道书 Ecclesiastes
传福音 evangelization
传教士 missionary; missioner
创世纪 Genesis
大教长 patriarch