
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 01:20:20
随着卡斯特罗政府准备消减成百上千的工作岗位,但仍有工作的古巴人依然脚踏实地的继续工作。A watchmaker reads the newspaper while enjoying a cigar in Havana, Cuba on Sept. 24.STR/AFP/Getty Images  9月24日,古巴哈瓦那市一位钟表匠抽着雪茄看报纸。(美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A cab driver pedals his bike taxi past Havana's old New York hotel now abandoned on Jan. 19 STR/AFP/Getty Images  一位出租司机踩着他的脚踏出租车经过于1月19日废弃的老纽约旅馆。(美联社/盖蒂图片社)
Cuban fishermen cast their nets into the waters at Havana's harbor at daybreak on April 9. ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/Getty Images4月9号黎明,古巴渔民在哈瓦那港撒下渔网(阿达尔贝托罗克/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A shoeshiner polishes his customer's boots in Havana on Sept. 24.STR/AFP/Getty Images9月24日,哈瓦那一位擦鞋匠在为顾客擦皮鞋。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A street vendor shows off her flowers in Havana on Sept. 24. STR/AFP/Getty Images9月24日,哈瓦那街头小贩向顾客展示兜售鲜花。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A Cuban woman works on her old Singer sewing machine from her Havana home on Sept. 13.STR/AFP/Getty Images9月13日,哈瓦那一古巴妇女在家用旧缝纫机缝补。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
Crouching to the ground, a man throws food scraps to chickens pecking the dirt around the yard near their coop on Sept. 24.STR/AFP/Getty Images9月24日,一男人蹲在在鸡笼旁在院子里给鸡喂食。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
Cuban workers pile up heavy sacks of coffee outside a small warehouse in the Sierra Maestra Mountains on July 26.STR/AFP/Getty Images7月26日,古巴工人将一麻袋一麻袋沉重的咖啡豆堆积在斯瑞拉马埃斯特拉山附近的一个小仓库外边。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A self-employed cobbler applies adhesive to his customer's sneaker in Havana on Aug. 2.STR/AFP/Getty Images8月2日,哈瓦那一自营补鞋匠用胶水给顾客修理运动鞋。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
Workers roll cigars in a Cuban cigar factory in Havana on Feb. 26.ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/Getty2月26日,古巴哈瓦那工人在雪茄工厂卷雪茄烟。(阿达尔贝托罗克/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
Produce vendors push their carts along the streets of Havana selling fruits and vegetables on Sept 24.STR/AFP/Getty Images9月24日,哈瓦那农产品卖家在街上推着货车卖水果和蔬菜。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A Cuban barber carefully trims the hair of his young customer in a shop that he owns himself in Havana on Aug.2.STR/AFP/Getty Images  8月2日,一古巴理发师在自己的店内细心的给年轻的顾客剪头发。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)
A man reads the pro-government newspaper Granma Behind him is billboard of leaders Fidel Castro and Camilo Cienfuegos in Havana on Jan. 1.STR/AFP/Getty Images1月1日,一哈瓦那男子在读亲政府报纸格拉玛报,他背后的广告牌是菲尔德·卡斯特罗和卡米洛·西恩富戈斯。(STR/美联社/盖蒂图片社)