
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 03:39:40
The concept of “face” or “self-image”, known as Mianzi in Chinese, is core to Chinese culture and one which is critical to understand.在“面子”或“自我形象”的面子的中文名字叫,概念是中华文化的核心和关键之一是了解。 It can be loosely described as someone's social status or reputation in the eyes of others and is integral to both social and business dealings.它可以大致描述为一个人的社会地位,或在别人的眼中的声誉,是一项综合的社会和业务往来。 Throughout a Chinese person's life it must be maintained and enhanced through giving to and receiving from others in both words and actions.在整个中文人的一生必须维持并通过给予和接受别人都用文字和行动加强。 By showing respect and trust recognition is earned and mianzi is built.通过尊重和信任,并获得承认建立面子。 It may be something as small as who gets in the lift first to the awarding of multi-million dollar contracts but without it you will have very little power or influence.这可能是小到在电梯谁首先对多批出百万美元的合同得到的东西,但没有它你将有什么权力或影响力。
Mianzi also extends beyond the individual level to families and even the entire nation.面子也超出了个人水平,家庭乃至整个民族。 For a student to receive high marks is for the face of the parents as well as the child.对于一个学生得到高分是父母的脸,以及孩子。 Likewise an athlete winning an international competition gives face to the nation.同样,一个运动员赢得国际竞争提供了面对面的国家。
To make someone lose face (even unknowingly) is a huge dishonor and could mean the end of a relationship.为了使某人丢脸(甚至在不知情的)是一个巨大的耻辱,可能意味着关系结束。 This is usually avoided by the telling of what are called “white lies” in the west, that is to say something which isn't completely true to save the other person face (eg grading someone as average when in fact you mean poor).这通常是可以避免的告诉了什么是所谓的“白色谎言在西部”,即说一些不能完全拯救其他人的脸(如人的平均等级时,你的意思,其实穷人)。 Business disputes are also often handled informally by a third party outside the legal system to avoidloss of face .商业纠纷,也往往处理以外的非正式法律制度,以避免丢面子由第三方。
One of the most common confusions arising from mianzi can be seen when confirming schedules.最常见的面子的混乱可以看到一个确定的时间表的时候。 Asking someone if they will be able to deliver on time will most often return the answer yes, even if they mean no or maybe, as to say anything else would mean implying that they were not competent.有人问,如果他们能够按时交付通常都返回回答是肯定的,即使他们是指没有或者可能,因为说什么都将意味着这意味着他们不能胜任。 To avoid this situation try asking the question in an indirect way or get that person/group to set their own schedules to make them primarily accountable to themselves.为了避免这种情况,要求尽量以间接的方式问题或得到该人/组,设定自己的时间表,使它们主要是对自己负责。
Connections (Guanxi)连接(关西)
Closely associated with mianzi isGuanxi which literally means “connections” or “relationships” as it essentially boils down to exchanging favors – “You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours”.面子密切相关,是关西 ,意为“连接”或“关系”,因为它本质上可以归结为交换主张- “你刮我背上,我投桃报李”。 It can loosely be compared with the idea of networking in the west but usually goes much further in terms of developing and nurturing the relationship through social exchanges and favors which must be repaid at greater value in time.它可以比较松散的网络与在西方的想法,但通常又前进了一步,在发展和培育,通过社会交往关系,并主张必须在更大的时间值偿还条款。 In such an environment issues of cronyism and corruption are not uncommon when guanxi obligations take precedence over normal rules or laws.在这样一个环境,裙带关系和腐败问题并不少见琯义务时接管正常的规则或法律。
Much of this notion of connectedness can be tracked to the belief that one is always part of a network or group, be it family, work or socially orientated which was strongly prevalent in agricultural history when people lived in communes.这种连通的概念很多可以被跟踪的信念,一个一直是一个网络或集团的一部分,无论是家庭,工作或社会为导向的强烈的农业史流行时,在公社居住。 A person's identity is inextricably linked to their network and is rarely treated on an individual basis (which would be considered selfish).一个人的身份有着千丝万缕的联系网络,并很少个别处理(这将被视为自私)。 This nurtures a strong sense of belonging and patriotism but can negatively affect independent and innovative thinking as well as hindering open communication.这种培养的归属感和爱国主义,但可能产生负面影响自主创新的思维,以及妨碍开放的沟通意识。

In this context relationships between family, friends and business associates are often closely interwoven.在这方面之间的关系,家庭,朋友和商业伙伴经常是密切交织在一起。 Anyone or anything outside this web of trust is considered a stranger and will often be treated with indifference or worse.任何人或外网的信任任何被认为是一个陌生人,往往会漠视或更糟的待遇。 When beginning a business relationship it is important to spend time to form your own circles of influence and become comfortable with anyone you may form a partnership with.当开始业务关系,重要的是花时间,形成自己的影响圈,成为您与任何人可以形成合作伙伴关系舒适。 Common sense and intuition are still important in any situation.常识和直觉仍然是重要的,在任何情况下。
Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong)中庸(锺用)
Known as the 'Doctrine of the Mean ' or 'Golden Mean' this concept involves balancing one's position among a group to maintain conformity and a sense of harmony.作为'中庸 '或'中庸'这一概念的学说已知的就是要平衡各一组一的立场保持一致和和谐感。 To do this while still achieving ones personal objectives is considered the ideal way of living and stems from Confucian philosophy.要做到这一点,同时仍实现的个人目标被认为是理想的方式生活,从儒家哲学的茎。 This can be applied to all areas of life, be it in the home where one should respect their parents and keep their spouse/children happy, or in the workplace where one should behave in a way which is seen to be neither ambitious nor lazy at the same time.这可以被应用到生活的各个领域,无论是在家里有一应尊重他们的父母和保持其配偶/子女快乐,在工作场所或在一应做的是被看作是既雄心勃勃的方式,也不蛇王同一时间。
This concept is important when trying to motivate or reward people as otherwise it may be used as an excuse for complacent or passive behavior.这个概念是很重要当试图激励或奖励,否则可以被看作是自满或消极行为的借口的人。 The fact that China is generally a peace loving nation can also be attributed to this principle.事实上,中国通常是一个爱好和平的国家也可以归因于这一原则。
Yin and Yang阴阳
Another core element of Chinese philosophy is the concept ofYin and Yang which seeks to describe how opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world.哲学中的另一个核心内容是阴阳的概念,旨在描述如何反对力量是相互关联和相互依存的自然世界。 Many natural dualities such as dark and light, female and male, honor and dishonor are given as examples of Yin and Yang.如深色和浅色,女性和男性,荣誉和耻辱的许多自然的二元给出阴阳的例子。 The ever turning symbol underlines the belief that things can change and always will, so as in western culture keeping your enemies / competitors close is also important as you never know what tomorrow will bring.不断把象征强调相信事情会发生变化,始终会,以便在西方文化中保持你的敌人/竞争对手收盘价也很重要,你永远不知道明天会带来什么。

The need to balance opposing forces can sometimes explain why seemingly contradictory theories and principles are able to coexist in relative harmony.需要平衡敌对势力有时可以解释为什么看似矛盾的理论和原则能够在相对和谐共存。 Within an organisation trying to balance peoples positions can be an effective way of managing teams although it can lead to internal power struggles and inefficient bureaucracies.在一个组织试图平衡人民的立场可以成为管理团队的有效途径,但它可以导致内部权力斗争和低效率的官僚机构。
Intraditional Chinese medicine health is also represented as a balance of Yin and Yang (anatomy and physiology).在传统中医药的健康,也表示为阴阳平衡(解剖学和生理学)。 When a person becomes ill practitioners attempt to determine the exact nature of the imbalance and then correct it through the use of herbal remedies, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes.当一个人生病医生试图确定不平衡的确切性质,然后通过正确的草药,针灸,饮食和生活方式的改变使用它。 As balance is restored in the body so is health.平衡,是在这样的身体恢复健康。
Next time we examine and summarize key differences between eastern and western cultural values. 下一次我们研究和总结 , 东部和西部文化价值的关键差异