how to create a MapTilePack on your own

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AList Of MapTilePacks can be foundhere.

A sample MapTile
A MapTilePack is a collection of MapTiles that you candownload and use withinAndNav2. AMapTilePack will highly reduce the amount of data transferred over theair. This is especially worthy if you have no data plan (flat rate) orwant to move in areas without a data connection.
1 What is a MapTile
2 Installing a MapTilePack
3 Size of a MapTilePack
4 Create your own4.1 Using Mobile Atlas Creator4.1.1 Download
4.1.2 Instruction Video
4.2 Using the OSMMapTilePackager
5 List of MapTilePacks
What is a MapTile
A MapTile is nothing more than a simple image. It does not containrouting or other geographical information.
Installing a MapTilePack
A MapTilePack is essentially a ZIP file containing a couple ofsubfolders which contain files. All you need to do is to unzip that fileto the memory card of your Android device, so that in the end you have afolder structure like this:
Size of a MapTilePack
TheList Of MapTilePacks does not correlate1:1 to the actual file size on your memory card because MapTilePacksuse a large number of very small files. If thecluster sizeon your host operating system differs from the size of the clusters onyour microSDHC card, then you will notice potentially very large sizediscrepancies. The default formatting forSecure Digital cards uses acluster sizeof 64KiloBytes, while many operating systemsuse 32KB or smaller clusters. This can result in a size discrepancy of1-2x the size listed in many cases.
Due to the fact that the average MapTile is only 1-4 KiloBytesbig, the potential size differences are much greater. The size that aMapTilePack occupies on your computer is many times the size of the databeing stored because of the use of such small files. The size on yourcomputer could be as much as 6-8x the actual size of the data.
Here is a sample of one map tile pack as stored on an OS Xlaptop:
1,216,128 files
0.79GB of data in files
4.85GB of disk space used (4KB clusters)
could not be copied to an 8GB SD card (32KB clusters)
Create your own
There are several ways to create your own MapTilePack.
But please note if u download tiles from openstreetmap do notdownload more than 100.000 tiles every 24h hours. Else u risk to bebanned (this ban won't lift automaticly!).
Using Mobile Atlas Creator
Mobile Atlas Creator(formerly TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source tool which allowsyou to create MapTilePacks on your own.
Since version 1.5 the official version supports atlas creationdirectly for AndNav.
Download latest release from SourceForge
Instruction Video
',1)">Using theOSMMapTilePackager
If you are familiar with Java, you can quickly create a MapTilePackon your own using theOSMMapTilePackager from theOSMDroidproject.
List of MapTilePacks
See:List Of MapTilePacks
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