
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 23:38:27
中国青年谈世界格局重建 北京大学MBA代表

和谐是永恒的主题,这里的和谐可以涵盖为人文、经济、政治、科技、环保的和谐 既四个一来体现:天人合一、义利合一、知行合一、人企合一 希望我们的政府、企业、公民在追求经济利益的时候一定要同时在社会面前都多承担一份责任,多进一些义务,如节能减排的实施要协同运作,只有这样才让我们这个共同的星球更加美丽,让子孙万代有机会同样看到她的美丽。
Frank Ma The MBA Of Peking University
The effects of financial crisis still exist. It shows that the economic structures of the world and different countries are not reasonable. How to construct a reasonable structure involves not only construction of financial system, but also to develop rising industries such as energy, life science and technology etc. meanwhile, the combination of traditional industry and modern technology would create more commercial models. For example, the internet is changing people’s communication ways; the wireless network realizes more convenient conversation and combination of cyber life and reality.
The combination of traditional industry and internet can bring more users to enjoy the services brought by the technological progress, and create more commercial value. In this way, the economic structure can be improved better.
How to build rationalized economic structure? Why the compact of economic crisis is still not over yet? Because of the structure of global and national economy is becoming more and more irrational. To rationalize the structure can not be only rely on establishing healthy financial system, but more about developments on technology, energy, bio-science, and new industry.
Meanwhile, the fusion of traditional industry and modern technology may create more brand new business modes, for example, the emerge of Internet has been changing people's life in communication, and wireless technology makes Internet more accessible and faster, which enables virtual life to be realized in the real life.
The benefits of combination of Internet and traditional industry are not only about bringing in better customer experience through integrating wire with wireless, the most important is to create more business value, and that's where rationalized economic structure should head to.