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1 D$ U+ @* C' [0 C8 O/ f求真务实 理性交流【原文标题】Chinese city is world’s hacker hub, \* g& J$ J! K' I5 c3 g
【登载媒体】英国泰晤士报AC四月青年社区5 z! n7 D8 k$ B, z7 K
【来源地址】  H3 v) R2 r( n5 P( q+ O
【译者】seal( q4 C, {) f4 H" v6 R9 v
% Q9 @2 E% `% i# {【原文库】 s1 L& F$ X2 U4 x$ [; k& F3 d
【译文】求真务实 理性交流4 ]+ {8 w9 l/ S/ y* m$ f0 t
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2010-3-28 17:59
. y! W5 i/ W& |/ ^
A CITY in eastern China has been identified as the world capital of cyber-espionage by an American internet security company.AC四月青年社区+ M  N% V+ C3 A  n$ L& ~- {& p
中国东部的一座城市,已经被一家美国互联网安全公司确认为网络间谍的世界中心。5 f- P2 }, s8 c8 e/ f. x1 v. X. J
% V2 E9 ]' V# sThe firm traced 12 billion emails in a study which showed that a higher number of “targeted attacks” on computers come from China than previously thought.AC四月青年社区  a, \  B  k4 _7 f. I9 y' C& r
这家公司通过对120亿封邮件追踪研究表明,来自中国的“有针对性的网络攻击”比原先预想的还要多。6 X$ G. i% K7 g6 a% y9 g3 j! @- O/ ^
2 A% H3 U, W9 W* l% ?% I  n求真务实 理性交流Researchers for Symantec found almost 30% of “malicious” emails were sent from China and that 21.3% came from the city of Shaoxing alone. They were able to identify key targets for the hackers as experts in Asian defence policy and human rights activists, strongly suggesting state involvement.
I( G4 D8 U( z9 v求真务实 理性交流赛门铁克的研究人员发现近30%的"恶意"邮件来自中国,而且21.3%集中来自绍兴市。他们发现黑客的主要目标是亚洲防务政策的专家和人权活动人士,而这些迹象强烈暗示政府参与其中。
2 Q1 H7 f( W/ N; ^8 ?! o; f
" G8 R; _, p1 u. Q& p6 i7 t$ KSymantec is assisting the investigation into suspected hacking attacks on Google, which closed its website in China last week rather than censor itself on behalf of the ministry of state security.2 r9 F! ^. q+ ]0 T. c
赛门铁克正协助调查谷歌黑客攻击事件,谷歌公司在上周关闭了它在中国的网站,并且不再为国家安全部门进行自我审查。 q" Y2 ~; m0 I& `
$ Q. f, U, T3 h' U( X
Cyber-espionage uses emails sent in small volumes with legitimate-looking attachments or documents to fool the user into letting a malicious code infect their computer. “The ultimate aim ... is to gain access to sensitive data or internal systems by targeting specific individuals or companies,” the report said.
8 \1 B& V) j! ]( T* [# ?网络黑客悄悄地给用户发送伪装成合法的带附件或文档的电子邮件,欺骗用户并使他们的计算机感染恶意代码。“他们的最终目的是获得目标个人或公司的敏感数据或内部系统的访问权”,报告说。5 M% q; G. W$ n, K! b) `
AC四月青年社区7 i9 ^# P. ^) l: y7 `2 z
Symantec succeeded in tracing individual computer registration numbers, known as IPs, to find the true source of the attacks. Previously, hackers in China had been able to camouflage themselves behind servers in Taiwan.3 ~  [8 p: |# c: T" C+ b; P
赛门铁克已经成功地通过追踪计算机网络标识--IP地址,来寻找攻击的真正来源。此前,中国黑客能够在台湾服务器背后隐藏自己。bbs.anti-cnn.com6 ^% N; U9 F+ Y
2 H. k- w% G( o" q! j2 lThe findings show China was the source of 28.2% of global targeted attacks. It was followed by Romania, with 21.1%, presumed to be mostly attempts at commercial fraud. The United States came third, followed by Taiwan and then Britain, with 12% of attacks.
3 A; w4 k  d9 q$ t: y/ Q& K. k/ T3 m调查结果表明中国是全球28.2%有目的性网络攻击的来源。其次是罗马尼亚,为21.1%,推测其中大部分是出于商业欺诈目的。美国名列第三,台湾紧随其后,然后是英国,比例为12%。