英头号黑客母亲斥首相虚伪 要求享受阿克毛同等待遇

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英头号黑客母亲斥首相虚伪 要求享受阿克毛同等待遇

时间:01-09  来源:和讯博客  评论共1条

核心提示:看到英国每日邮报上新闻一条,与大家分享分享,大意是“Gary McKinnon的妈妈痛斥布朗在为毒贩求情上很虚伪”。

看到英国每日邮报上新闻一条,与大家分享分享,大意是“Gary McKinnon的妈妈痛斥布朗在为毒贩求情上很虚伪”。

阿克毛,大名鼎鼎。Gary McKinnon,谁呀?其实也不是无名之辈,而是号称世界头号的黑客。现在黑客要享受与阿克毛的同等待遇,即布朗先生既然可以为阿克毛向中国求情,也应为Gary McKinnon向美国求情。

Gary McKinnon在2001年到2002年侵入美国的NASA和五角大楼,据说造成了70万美元的损失,被称为最危险的黑客。美国要把他引渡到美国受审,一旦定罪,将面临着60年监禁。据其律师说,可能要把他关到关塔那摩监狱——不知真假,律师可会夸大其辞了。

Gary McKinnon通过网络到美国的NASA看看,据说是要找找UFO存在的证据,如果属实,倒是像精神病,这一点与阿克毛有点相似。他自己和家人都宣称,患有精神病,名为亚斯普杰氏症(一种精神紊乱症,症状为社交能力差和重复性的行为模式)。有人 权组织认为,将其引渡回美国接受审判是一种不人道的行为,到了美国最多可能判处他60年,非死不可(不是判处死刑,而是由于精神病坐监狱很容易致死,或一旦引渡就自杀)。

现在,Gary McKinnon的妈妈看到布朗先生都为阿克毛求情,而拒绝自己儿子向美国求情,不禁怒从心起,痛斥布朗虚伪(或双重标准),并且觉得疑惑,因为引渡她儿子就等于是要了他的命(有医生为证),难道她儿子连个毒贩都不如?

其实,这个问题我也有点疑惑,为什么Gary McKinnon先生就不能享受阿克毛先生的同等待遇呢?和你的盟友奥巴马说一下嘛,别人不答应那是别人的事,你连说都不说那就有点奇怪了。

Gary McKinnon和阿克毛还有一个共同的地方,就是都搞错了对象:阿克毛如果是把毒品运到美国,现在肯定还好好活着,而Gary McKinnon如果只是到中国的网上耍耍流氓,现在肯定还在英国的家中抽着大麻喝着酒,继续纵横网络。可惜的是Gary McKinnon不知死活,现在好了吧,一代奇才就此落入美帝之手,不禁令人扼腕哪。



Gary McKinnons mother blasts hypocrite Brown over appeals to save drug smugglers life

Gary McKinnons distraught mother yesterday accused Gordon Brown of hypocrisy over his treatment of British citizens facing punishment overseas.

Janis Sharp said it was bewildering that the Prime Minister tried to halt the execution of drug smuggler Akmal Shaikh, a father of five from London who was put to death in China last week.

At the same time, he was refusing to intervene to halt the removal of Gary to the U.S. - despite doctors warning the Aspergers sufferer is likely to commit suicide if extradited.

Launching a New Year text petition on her 43-year-old sons behalf, Janis said: Gordon Brown wrung his hands over the execution of a mentally ill drugs carrier in China.

Yet he and his government remain complicit in the U.S. authorities hounding of my vulnerable son, despite knowing that for Gary, extradition amounts to nothing less than a death sentence, given his growing mental instability.

Why cant the UK just ask our supposedly strongest ally, President Obama, to show clemency towards Gary by cancelling the extradition request and allowing a UK prosecution?

She is urging the public to text GARY to 65000 to demonstrate support for her son, who faces 60 years in a U.S. jail for hacking into Nasa and Pentagon computers.

Time is running out for Gary, who is backed by the Daily Mails Affront to British Justice campaign.

His lawyers have applied to the High Court for a judicial review of Home Secretary Alan Johnsons decision to allow him to be sent for trial in the U.S.

If that fails, he could be on a plane to America within days.