
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 08:06:06
9-1 人民物質文化生活提高情況
          項           目             Item             |  1978  |  1980  |  1985  |  1990  |  1995  |  1996  
就業               Employment                         |        |        |        |        |        |        
每一農村勞動力負擔 Number of Dependents per Rural     |        |        |        |        |        |        
  人數         (人)  Laborer                  (persons)|    2.53|    2.26|    1.74|    1.64|    1.56|     1.55
每一城鎮就業者負擔 Number of Dependents per Urban     |        |        |        |        |        |        
  人數         (人)  Employee                 (persons)|    2.06|   *1.77|    1.81|    1.77|    1.73|     1.72
城鎮失業率    (%) Urban Unemployment Rate        (%)|     5.3|     4.9|     1.8|     2.5|     2.9|      3.0
收入               Income of Rural and Urban Residents|        |        |        |        |        |        
農村居民家庭人均純 Annual Per Capita Net Income of    |        |        |        |        |        |        
  收入         (元)  Rural Residents             (yuan)|   133.6|   191.3|   397.6|   686.3|  1577.7|   1926.1
農村居民家庭人均純 Index of Annual Per Capita Net     |        |        |        |        |        |        
  收入指數(1978=100)Income of Rural Residents(1978=100)|   100.0|   185.7|   359.2|   415.7|   512.5|    558.6
城鎮居民家庭人均生 Annual Per Capita Income Available |        |        |        |        |        |        
  活費收入 (元)for Living cost of Urban Residents(yuan)|     316|     439|     685|    1387|    3893|     4377
城鎮居民家庭人均生 Index of Annual Per Capita Income  |        |        |        |        |        |        
  活費收入指數       Available for Living of Urban-    |   100.0|   127.0|   161.6|   197.8|   287.2|    296.7
         (1978=100)  Residents               (1978=100)|        |        |        |        |        |        
職工年平均工資(元) Annual Average Wages of Staff and  |     615|     762|    1148|    2140|    5500|     6210
                     Workers(yuan)                     |        |        |        |        |        |        
消費水平      (元) Annual Per Capita Consumption(yuan)|        |        |        |        |        |        
全國居民           Per Capita Consumption of All      |     184|     236|     437|     803|    2311|     2677
                     Residents                         |        |        |        |        |        |        
農民               Agricultural Residents             |     138|     178|     347|     571|    1479|     1756
非農業居民         Nonagricultural Residents          |     405|     496|     802|    1686|    5044|     5620
儲    蓄           Savings                            |        |        |        |        |        |        
城鄉居民年底儲蓄存 Balance of Savings Deposit of Rural|        |        |        |        |        |        
  款余額     (億元)  and Urban Residents(year-end)     |   210.6|   399.5|  1622.6|  7034.2| 29662.3|  38520.8
                                     (100 million yuan)|        |        |        |        |        |        
平均每人儲蓄存款余 Per Capita Balance of Saving       |        |        |        |        |        |        
  額           (元)  Deposit                     (yuan)|   21.88|   40.47|  153.29|  615.24| 2448.98|  3163.80
住房面積  (平方米) Per Capita Floor Space of          |        |        |        |        |        |        
                     Residential Buildings       (sq.m)|        |        |        |        |        |        
農村平均每人住房   Rural Areas                        |     8.1|     9.4|    14.7|    17.8|    21.0|     21.7
城市平均每人居住   Urban Areas                        |     3.6|     3.9|     5.2|     6.7|     8.1|      8.5
交通               Traffic                            |        |        |        |        |        |        
城鎮每百戶擁有摩托車Number of Motor Cycles per 100    |        |        |        |        |     6.3|      7.9
                      Households in Urban Areas        |        |        |        |        |        |        
城市每萬人擁有公共 Number of Buses per 10 000 Persons |        |        |        |        |        |        
  車輛               in Cities                         |     3.3|     3.5|     3.9|     4.8|     7.3|      7.3
城市公用事業       Pubilc Utilities in Urban Areas    |        |        |        |        |        |        
自來水普及率  (%) Rate of Access to Tap Water    (%)|    81.0|    81.4|    81.0|    89.2|    93.0|     94.9
煤氣液化氣普及率   Rate of Access to Gas and Liquefied|    13.9|    16.8|    22.4|    42.2|    70.0|     73.2
               (%)  Gas                           (%)|        |        |        |        |        |        
每萬人擁有綠地     Green Area per 10 000 Persons      |        |        |        |        |        |        
             (公頃)                           (hectare)|    10.6|     9.6|    13.7|    32.2|    36.7|     35.2
文    化           Culture                            |        |        |        |        |        |        
城鎮每百戶有彩色   Number of Color TV Sets per 100    |        |        |        |        |        |        
  電視機       (台)  Households in Urban Areas         |        |        |    17.2|    59.0|    89.8|     93.5
農村每百戶有電視機(台)Number of TV sets per 100       |        |     0.4|    11.7|    44.4|    80.7|     88.0
                        Households in Rural Areas      |        |        |        |        |        |        
每百人每天報紙(份) Newspapers per 100 Persons per Day |    3.66|    3.92|    5.21|    3.87|    4.07|     4.04
每人每年有圖書雜志 Number of Books and Magazines per  |        |        |        |        |        |        
               (冊)  Person per Year                   |    4.74|    5.82|    8.78|    6.55|    7.19|     7.78
教    育           Education                          |        |        |        |        |        |        
學齡兒童入學率(%) Enrollment Ratio of School-Age     |   95.50|   93.93|   95.95|   97.83|   98.50|    98.80
                     Children                      (%)|        |        |        |        |        |        
每萬人口中在校大學 Number of University Students per  |        |        |        |        |        |        
  生數         (人)  10 000 Persons            (person)|    8.90|   11.59|   16.09|   18.04|   24.00|    24.68
衛    生           Public Health                      |        |        |        |        |        |        
每萬人有醫院、     Number of Hospital Beds per 10 000 |        |        |        |        |        |        
  衛生院病床   (張)  Persons                           |   19.28|   20.08|   21.06|   22.95|   23.41|    23.41
每萬人有醫生數(人) Number of Doctors per 10 000       |   10.73|   11.68|   13.35|   15.42|   15.84|    15.86
                     Persons                   (person)|        |        |        |        |        |        
注: 1.帶*號為1981年數。
a)Figures with (*) are data in 1981.
b)Data on the per capital floor space of residential buildings in urban areas are obtained from the Ministry 
of Construction.