医影志 - 低颅压综合症 Intracranial hypotension | 丁香博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 16:06:05

低颅压综合症 Intracranial hypotension

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病史:The patient is a 22-year-old woman complaining of a headache that is exacerbated while standing and while coughing, but relieved in the recumbent position since the birth of her first child 1 month ago. The delivery was uncomplicated except for difficulty establishing epidural anesthesia.


There is diffuse linear enhancement of the pachymeninges involving both the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments (arrows in Figure 1 and Figure 2).硬脑膜可见弥漫性线样强化,累及幕上及幕下

The sagittal T1-weighted image demonstrates low-lying cerebellar tonsils (yellow arrow Figure 3), a slightly elongated fourth ventricle, and slight effacement of the prepontine cistern. Slight AP elongation of the mesencephalon is demonstrated on the axial T2-weighted image (yellow arrow in Figure 4).矢状位Ti显示扁桃体低位,四脑室轻度狭长,桥前池轻微狭窄,轴位T2显示中脑向前后方向轻度延伸.

诊断:Intracranial hypotension低颅压综合症


  • Meningeal enhancement should be categorized as pachymeningeal or leptomeningeal to aid in the formulation of a differential diagnosis.脑膜强化应该被分为硬脑膜或软脑膜强化,以帮助鉴别诊断
  • The typical imaging findings of intracranial hypotension are: sagging of posterior fossa structures and diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement.颅内低压综合征的典型影像表现为:后颅窝结构下垂和弥漫性硬脑膜强化.


Intracranial hypotension (ICH) is a rare cause of orthostatic headache that worsens in the upright position. ICH is thought to result from a persistent CSF leak, usually after dural compromise following a diagnostic lumbar puncture, spinal anesthesia, or myelography. Other etiologies include prior craniotomy, craniectomy, spinal surgery, or trauma. ICH may also occur spontaneously secondary to rupture of a Tarlov cyst, dehydration, hyperpnea, uremia, or diabetic coma.


Imaging characteristic can be subtle and nonspecific in the absence of an appropriate history. The imaging findings are characterized by sagging of the posterior fossa with low-lying cerebellar tonsils (which may be mistaken for a Chiari I malformation), elongation of the fourth ventricle, and effacement of the prepontine cistern. Additionally, diffuse smooth linear pachymeningeal enhancement is present involving both the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments. The diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement is felt to result from increased intracranial blood flow to compensate for the CSF loss in accordance with the Monro-Kellie hypothesis, particularly on the venous side of the dura. Other imaging signs of venous congestion that may be present include bilateral subdural effusions and an enlarged pituitary gland.


The diagnosis can be confirmed with a low CSF opening pressure, nuclear radioisotope cisternography, or myelography. Symptoms will often resolve spontaneously with conservative therapy and bed rest. If symptoms persist, an autologous epidural blood patch is a safe, effective treatment.










病例来源:ACR 05-10-3