全球市场从“抗通缩”转向“防通胀” Investors start to focus on inflation prospects

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 20:26:00
2010年12月14日 15:29 PM

全球市场从“抗通缩”转向“防通胀”Investors start to focus on inflation prospects

英国《金融时报》 理查德•米尔恩 阿利娜•范•杜恩 大卫•奥克利 报道 评论[4条] 中文 

China wants to combat it, the US to create it. The possibility of rising inflation, and the way that could play out around the world is giving some investors a headache, just weeks after they worried about the opposite risk, deflation.


“Inflation is very high up the agenda of institutional investors,” says Keith Wade, UK fund manager Schroders’ chief economist.

英国基金管理公司施罗德(Schroders)首席经济学家基思•韦德(Keith Wade)表示:“机构投资者非常关注通胀情况。”

Latest data on Chinese inflation show consumer prices rose by 5.1 per cent in November, a much higher rise than expected. Food prices were the biggest contributors and some economists are starting to express concerns over rising non-food commodity prices as well.


Yet for now, equity markets are in sanguine mood. Shares in Asia and Europe rose on Monday, largely on news that, in spite of the higher inflation, there was little prospect of a rise in Chinese interest rates soon.


In the US, too, where the Federal Reserve is adamant that it will both boost inflation and head off the threat of a sustained period of economic stagnation and falling prices, investors’ expectations have moved little.


US Treasury yields may have risen substantially since the Fed announced its second bout of “quantitative easing”, QE2, in November, whereby it is buying an additional $600bn of long-dated Treasury securities to inject money into the financial system and revive the economy.


But those gains have been almost matched by those in real yields, which are adjusted for inflation. The so-called “break-even” rate for inflation has remained close to its current 2.19 per cent through that period, JPMorgan Asset Management says.

但美国国债收益率的升幅与经过通胀率调整的实际收益率的升幅几乎相当。摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorgan Asset Management)称,在此期间,所谓的“损益平衡”通胀率一直保持在当前2.19%的水平附近。

Some analysts see that as a sign that markets are slowly normalising and discounting the “tail risk” of deflation that they had fretted for much of the year. “Investors are still hedging against an increase in inflation, but fewer are as focused on deflation,” says Dean Curnutt, chief executive of Macro Risk Advisors. “There is a more middle of the road sentiment out there than before.”

一些分析人士认为,这表明市场正在缓慢恢复正常,逐渐无视今年大多数时间一直困扰着市场的通缩“尾部风险”。“投资者仍在对冲通胀率的上升,但关注通缩的人减少了,”Macro Risk Advisors首席执行官迪安•科纳特(Dean Curnutt)表示。“现在市场上的中庸人气比以前浓厚了。”

Others, though, worry that financial markets might be shrugging off too lightly the risks of a jump in inflation and what that might mean.


“You have to be careful what you wish for,” says Patrick Rudden, head of blend strategies for equities at AllianceBernstein in London. His research suggests that strong inflation is not good for equities and bonds. “If inflation goes to 3, 4 or 5 per cent then that is a problem for equities.”

AllianceBernstein驻伦敦的股票混合战略负责人帕特里克•卢顿(Patrick Rudden)说:“你必须考虑清楚自己到底想要什么。”他的研究表明,严重通胀不利于股票和债券。“如果通胀升至3%、4%或5%,那对股市就是一个问题。”

The more immediate worry is in emerging markets where the leap in Chinese prices is an ominous sign. This is mostly because the cheap dollars created by QE2 have poured into emerging market assets, stoking concerns about potential overheating.


“The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets,” says Nigel Rendell, senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital Markets. “This creates more global liquidity, which is likely to try and force its way into the emerging markets. The stock and property markets in some of these countries could overheat.”

“美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔•兰德尔(Nigel Rendell)表示。“这造成了更多的全球流动性,它们可能会跃跃欲试进入新兴市场。其中一些国家的股市和楼市可能会过热。”

Indeed, inflows into emerging market equity funds this year have hit $89bn, according to EPFR Global, the data provider. This compares with outflows of $79bn from developed world equity funds.

确实,数据提供商EPFR Global的数据显示,今年已有890亿美元资金流入新兴市场股票基金,而从发达国家股票基金中流出的资金为790亿美元。

That is not just causing problems in Asia. Brazil has introduced capital controls and this weekend the Turkish authorities hinted they might follow the Chinese and raise reserve requirements for commercial banks to take the heat out of their economy.


Turkey, unlike some of the eurozone’s heavily indebted economies, has weathered the financial crisis relatively well. However, the threat of runaway price rises – inflation has risen to 7.3 per cent – is a big concerns. Ankara is reportedly considering cutting interest rates to curb capital flows.


Monday’s benign reaction of equity markets to China’s news worries some economists. “With the continuing rise of inflation in China, markets have probably become a bit complacent about what China will have to do,” says Mr Wade.


To protect against rising prices, strategists recommend a number of investments, including buying gold and other commodities. A traditional inflation hedge, gold hit a new nominal high last week.


Mr Rudden says investors should look at commodity futures, rather than pure commodities, to take advantage of “backwardation” in these markets (see opposite page). Inflation-linked bonds are another popular investment. The US Treasury two months ago sold $10bn of securities with a negative yield for the first time, an indication of the strength of demand for these notes.


But the biggest unanswered question remains: will inflation actually take hold in the US? There seems little evidence yet of consumers or companies wanting to spend again. In fact, some wonder whether the sovereign debt crisis in Europe could unleash a renewed wave of downward pressure on prices.


“We think deflationary pressures will again rear their head,” says Mr Curnutt. “The potential deflationary impact of the eurozone sovereign debt problems is tremendous.”


Fed chairman Ben Bernanke has affirmed that deflation will not be allowed to occur. “Concern of inflation has increased, both as a result of QE2 and on the back of the Fed’s commitment to keeping rates low for a long time,” says Deepa Majmudar, portfolio manager at JPMorgan Asset Management’s global fixed income group.

美联储主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)坚定地表示,绝不允许通缩发生。摩根大通资产管理公司全球固定收益部门投资组合经理Deepa Majmudar表示:“通胀担忧增加了,这既是由于美国实施了QE2,也是因为美联储承诺将长期维持低利率。”

Investors could be forgiven for nervously eyeing governments’ huge debt piles and the possibility of rising prices. As Mr Wade puts it: “People who have been concerned that governments could inflate away their debt are probably more concerned now.”
