中国货币政策“稳健”吗? China: still relatively imprudent

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 20:38:57
2010年12月13日 07:24 AM

Lex专栏:中国货币政策“稳健”吗?China: still relatively imprudent

英国《金融时报》 Lex专栏 

China’s economic policymakers announced this weekend at their central economic work conference that they would “prioritise overall price stability”, after an ugly surprise as inflation hit 5.1 per cent. Activity data suggested an overheating economy. But by the day’s end, the central bank had not followed up by raising lending rates.


Markets will probably greet this as good news and an excuse for some more “risk on” trading but it should cause concern. It suggests that China is stuck in command-economy mode. Its leaders recognise that inflation is well above target, while industrial output growth accelerates, showing that capital is priced inefficiently. Official policy shifted this month from “relatively loose” to “prudent”. Yet all China wants to do about it is continue rationing by tightening banks’ capital requirements.


The People’s Bank of China has tinkered with reserve requirements incessantly. Friday’s increase to an 18.5 per cent ratio was the sixth such rise this year and makes it higher than at any point in the last inflation cycle. But all this year’s “tightening” has failed to stem inflation, which is unsurprising as banks are awash with cash after the drastic stimulus of two years ago.


The PBoC’s lending rate remains at 5.56 per cent. It was more than a percentage point higher when inflation was last this high, amid the boom of 2007. In that cycle, rates peaked at almost 7.5 per cent. Letting the currency appreciate might also cut inflation, while cheering up much of the rest of the world. But the renminbi is no higher against the dollar than it was two months ago.


The PBoC might well soon come through with higher rates. And it could be argued that China’s inaction on these critical measures shows that its leaders think the inflation problem is not too much of a worry. They are certainly not dumb. But in the face of an obvious danger of overheating, such insouciance should prompt concern; not a rush to take on more risks.


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