
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 06:39:41
一、单词辨音将下列各词按划线部分字母的读音,分别写在相应的音标后面。(本题共8分,每词0.5分,抄词如拼错,不给分。)      例:[i:]meet            team
photo         good     third     door     pull           weather        farther     poor
hear          tour      laugh    month    breathe       autumn        here      whether
1.[e]                    2.[u]                      3.[iЭ]                 4.[f]
5.[θ]                    6.[ð]                      7.[):]                  8.[uЭ]
例:(B)Why do you keep        your eyes?      (A)rub        (B)rubbing   (C)rubbed    (D)to rub
(   )1.Your new suit will be ready        two days.
(A)in        (B)on   (C)for     (D)over
(   )2.He comes late sometimes,         ?
(A)is he         (B)isn't he   (C)comes he         (D)doesn't he
(   )3.This sentence needs        .
(A)a improvement        (B)improve   (C)improving      (D)improved
(   )4.In fact the Swede did not understand the three questions        were asked in French.
(A)where       (B)who   (C)in which       (D)which
(   )5."I wonder whose bicycle it is."
"It might be my        ."
(A)neighbour's       (B)dear neighbour   (C)neighbour    (D)neighbours
(   )6.Some people like to stay at home on Sunday,but        like to go to the cinema.
(A)another     (B)other   (C)others         (D)other one
(   )7.It happened to be very cold        the morning of our sports meet.
(A)at      (B)of   (C)on     (D)with
(   )8.He made the         mistakes in the dictation exercise.
(A)less     (B)least   (C)fewer         (D)fewest
(   )9.Can you tell me         ?
(A)who is that gentleman      (B)that gentleman is who
(C)who that gentleman is   (D)whom is that gentleman
(   )10.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody        the rules.
(A)obeys        (B)obey   (C)will obey     (D)would obey
(   )11.        work has been done to improve the people's living standard.
(A)Many        (B)A great many   (C)A large number of        (D)A great deal of
(   )12.The Italian boy was regarded as a hero        he gave his life for his country.
(A)according to     (B)because of   (C)on account of     (D)because
(   )13.Have you ever seen        as tall as this one?
(A)a tree        (B)such tree   (C)an tree          (D)tree
(   )14."        have you been away from home?"
"I have been away from home for five months."
(A)How much       (B)What time   (C)How long          (D)When
(   )15.Do you know any other foreign language        English?
(A)except       (B)but   (C)beside       (D)besides
(   )16.On the wall        two large portraits.
(A)hangs        (B)hang   (C)hanged        (D)hanging
(  )17."Did you enjoy that trip?"
"I'm afraid not. And        ."
(A)my classmates don't either   (B)my classmates don't too
(C)neither do my classmates    (D)neither did my classmates
Mrs. Hill is an old woman   1   has a small room in an old house.She   2   there since 1974. That was the year when her husband    3   . He had been ill for many years. After his death, Mrs. Hill had   4   money at all. She found work in a factory. Her job was to clean the offices. She   5   get up at 5 o'clock   6   the morning.Last year she   7   ill and her doctor said: "   8   work so hard."Now Mrs.Hill sells newspapers   9   a big shop in the middle of town. She    10   doesn't have much money but she is happier now.
(   )1.(A)who        (B)whom     (C)which     (D)whose
(   )2.(A)is living     (B)lives      (C)lived      (D)has been living
(   )3.(A)died        (B)has died   (C)dead      (D)was dead
(   )4.(A)none        (B)no       (C)any              (D)not
(   )5.(A)must to     (B)had to     (C)has to     (D)have to
(   )6.(A)with        (B)at        (C)in        (D)on
(   )7.(A)was being   (B)were      (C)was      (D)has been
(   )8.(A)Stop       (B)Don't      (C)Better no  (D)Cannot
(   )9.(A)outside     (B)in front     (C)out of    (D)above
(   )10.(A)always    (B)already     (C)yet       (D)still
Ⅰ           Ⅱ
例:i.light             (ii)sick
ii.ill         (i)not heavy
1.hear from          (   )feel (lightly)with the hand
2.afterwards         (   )very often
3.diligent           (   )look carefully to try to find something
4.touch             (   )later
5.protect            (   )very quick to learn and understand
6.person            (   )look forward to
7.constantly         (   )receive news from(someone), usually by letter
8.search             (   )hard-working
9.clever             (   )a man, a woman or a child
10.weak            (   )keep safe from danger
B.阅读下面短文。根据横线下(后)的单词或短语在文中的意思,从表中找出同义的词语,抄写在横线上(如第一句中的was paid(got)每个词语只准用一次。对原文不得作任何改动。(本部分共10分,每小题1分。)
rise      found      returned      arrive at      have      beccame
married      being wounded      leave      almost      (was paid)
“When I was your age,” said the old man, I was paid(got) only $30 a week. Life was much harder then. I had to _________(get up) at six and _________(get to) the factory by seven. We worked ten hours a day for six days a week and didn’t _________(get) any holidays. A lot of fellows had no work at all, so slow or lazy workers were told to _________(get out). At one place I didn’t get along with the boss. I lost my job and it was several months before I _________(got) another one. Then world war broke out. Of course I joined up. I was lucky and came out of the war without _________(getting hurt). When I _________(got back) home after the war, a lot of us went around looking for jobs, but there were too many of us fellows and not enough jobs. Things _________(got) worse and worse. I was _________(getting near) thirty and wanted to get married, but I didn't have enough money. It wasn’t until I was thirty-five that I finally _________(got a wife) and set up a home.
"So, young fellow,be thankful for what you have now. You don't know how lucky you are!"
例:The station is two miles from the town centre.
It is two miles to the station from the town centre.
1.The garden has a swimming-pool
There       (1) a swimming-pool       (2) the garden.
2."Mary, do you agree with me?" John asked.
John asked Mary       (3) she       (4) with him.
3.She made the children keep their room clean and tidy.
The children were made       (5)         (6) their room clean and tidy.
4.What surprised Albert greatly was to find his first teacher still alive.
(7) his great       (8), Albert found his first teacher still alive.
5.The ticket-collector noticed that Bashi was alone. She shouted:"Mothers, look after your children!"
(9) that Bashi was alone,the ticket-collector shouted:"Mothers,look after your children!"
6.He has been in the army for three years.
It's three years       (10) he       (11) the army.
7.Some day China will catch up with the highly developed countries. You will see that day.
You will see the day       (12) China catches up with the highly developed countries.
8.Bob is always busy but he never refuses to help others.
Busy       (13) he always       (14) ,Bob never refuses to help others.
9.The dustmen went on strike because they were badly paid.
If the dustmen had been well paid they would not       (15)         (16) on strike.
10.You'll be late unless you catch an early bus.
You'll be late       (17) you       (18) catch an early bus.
11.Lincoln not only set the slaves free but also reunited the nation.
Not only       (19) Lincoln       (20) the slaves free, he also reunited the nation.
be      feel      show      know      read      take
wait    phone    carry       invite      put      think
One day a middle-aged woman wrote to a doctor       (1) him to have dinner at her house. The doctor wrote a reply but he wrote so carelessly that the woman       (2) (not)it.
"What shall I do?" she asked her husband. "I       (3) (not)if he's going to come or not. I don't want       (4) him and say I can't read his writing."
Her husband       (5) for a while and said: "Take it to the chemist. He will be able to read it."
The woman went to the chemist's shop and       (6) the doctor's note to the chemist. He looked at it very carefully.Then he       (7) on his glasses and looked at the note more closely.
"Could you       (8) a moment,Madam?" he said.
He went to the back of his shop.After a few minutes he returned,       (9) a bottle.He gave the bottle to the woman.
"       (10) this medicine three times a day," he said!

Last Wednesday we       (1) an experiment in our physics lab. First we filled a kettle       (2) water and marked the level of water. Next we boiled the kettle of water for 15 minutes. Steam could be seen coming       (3) of the spout. Then we held a cold dry plate in        (4) steam. Little drops of       (5) were found on the plate. We again       (6) the level of water in the kettle. The level       (7) found to be lower, because some of the water had been turned       (8) vapour as the kettle boiled.

One day, the wife of a Chinese king sat watching a worm as it ate some mulberry leaves(桑叶). Soon it stopped       (9) . Then, as it slowly turned its head from side       (10) side, a very fine thread came out of its       (11) . It wrapped the thread around and around itself until it was shut       (12) a little cocoon.
"If a worm can wind (缠绕)this fine thread around itself, why can't I unwind it and use        (13) ?" the queen thought.She tried to do this. She didn't succeed at first. But she kept trying until she finally succeeded. Soon she and her people       (14) keeping worms. They took this shining thread and used it to make beautiful cloth. This cloth was called silk. Whether this is true       (15) not, it is an interesting story.
The difference between life in one country and another is quite often not so great as the difference between city life and village life in the same country. In an English village everybody knows everybody else; they know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you usually have for dinner. If you want any help you will always get it and be glad to help anyone else in return. In a large city like London, there are many things to see and many places to go to.However, people often do not know each other well. It sometimes happens that you have never seen your next door neighbour, don't know his name or anything about him. People living in London are often very lonely, particularly after work. This is because the people they are with all day are scattered(分散)over large areas in the evenings and weekends. If you walk through the streets in the centre of London on a Sunday, it is almost like an empty town. One is sorry for old people who do not live with their children and have no work to go to during the day.
(   )1.This article is about the difference between life in one country and another.
(   )2.Life in cities and villages in the same country is often very different.
(   )3.In villages people only care about their own business.
(   )4.Village people give help to others so as to get something in return.
(   )5.In large cities people are sometimes strangers to their neighbours.
(   )6.People living in London always feel happy in the evenings and weekends.
(   )7.There are large numbers of people in the streets in the centre of London on Sundays.
(   )8.People often feel sorry for old people who do not live with their children and have no work.
1.The difference between life in one country and another is often s       than that between city life and village life in the same country.
2.In English villages most people know e       other.
3.In villages there are f       things to see than in large cities.
4.Village people are a       ready to help one another.
5.In large cities people s       know what their neighbours have for dinner.
6.Old people who live away from their children are usually 1
What Causes Waves(波浪)?
Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can do great harm to s        (1)at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore. What causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the s        (2)of the water. The sun h       (3) the earth,causing the air to r       (4) and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger o       (5) .
The size of a wave is d       (6) by how strong the wind is, how l       (7) it blows, and how large the body of water is. In a small bay(海湾)big waves will never build up. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
It is believed that the height of a wave(in meters)will usually be no m       (8) than one-tenth of the wind's speed(in kilometers). In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers an hour,most waves will be twelve meters high or less. Of course,some waves m       (9) combine to form giant waves that are much h       (10) .
1.[e]weather whether     2.[u]good pull3.[iЗ]here hear      4.[f]photo laugh
5.[θ]month third   6.[ð]farther breathe7.[):]door autumn  8.[uЗ]poor tour
A.1.(A)   7.(C)       13.(A)     B.1.(A)   5.(B)       9.(A)
2.(D)      8.(D)      14.(C)     2.(D)      6.(C)       10.(D)
3.(C)       9.(C)       15.(D)     3.(A)      7.(C)
4.(D)      10.(B)     16.(B)     4.(B)       8.(B)
5.(A)      11.(D)     17.(D)
6.(C)       12.(D)
A.(4)feel (lightly)with the hand    B.(1)get up/rise
(7)very often  (2)get to/arrive at
(8)look carefully to try to find      (3)get/have
something       (4)get out/leave
(2)later    (5)got/found
(9)very quick to learn and under-  (6)getting hurt/being wounded
stand       (7)got back/returned
(12)look forward to       (8)got/became
(1)receive news from (someone),  (9)getting near/almost
usually by letter     (10)got a wife/married
(6)a man,a woman or a child
(5)keep safe from danger
(1)is (11)joined/entered
(2)in/inside/within  (12)when/that
(3)if/whether  (13)as/though
(4)agreed (14)is
(5)to       (15)have
(6)keep   (16)gone
(7)To      (17)if
(8)surprise      (18)don't/do not
(9)Noticing/Seeing/Finding/Observing  (19)did
(10)since (20)set
(1)inviting/to invite       (2)couldn't read/could not read(3)don't know/do not know  (4)to phone
(5)thought      (6)showed(7)put     (8)wait(9)carrying  (10)Take

(1)did/made/had     (2)with    (3)out     (4)the(5)water (6)marked      (7)was     (8)into/to

(9)eating (10)to     (11)mouth (12)in/inside/within     (13)it(14)began/started/were  (15)or
A.1.(×)   2.(√)       3.(×)       4.(×)5.(√)       6.(×)       7.(×)       8.(√)
B.1.smaller     2.each     3.fewer4.always     5.seldom 6.lonely
(1)ships   (2)surface       (3) heats(4)rise       (5)ones    (6)determined
(7)long    (8)more   (9)may/might(10)higher