Element.Ren :: VMware Tools

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 14:02:16
接着VMware Workstation,继续VMware Tools.这是个问题多多的话题.我自己总结了一下安装的方法.也搜集了一些网上的方法.
安装VMware Tools就是为了我们的Virtual Machine能跑的更顺畅一些.就相当于我们安装好XP后需要安装主板,显卡驱动之类的东西,以使发挥更好的性能,也使鼠标在两个OS之间能方便的转换.
分两种情况吧,我是按Host OS和Guest OS来分的.
Host OS:Ubuntu Dapper Drake
Guest OS:Microsoft Windows XP Prefessional SP2
就是在我刚才创建的Virtual Machine上安装VMware Tools.比较简单.在vmware-distrib文件夹下有个lib,里面有个isoimages文件夹,在此文件夹下共有4个iso文件.分别是:freebsd.iso,linix.iso,netware.iso和windows.iso.我们用到就是linix.iso和windows.iso.
安装VMware Tools.在设置那里,光驱选择Use ISO Image,选择linux.iso.然后Power On.启动虚拟机.启动后在VM下有个install VMware Tools...选项.这样一路默认就可以了.完成后在右下角声音图标那里就有个图标,如果正常显示,那么说明VMware Tools安装成功.
我在Use ISO Image那里如果选择windows.iso也可以正常安装VMware Tools.不知道这两个ISO文件有什么区别.
Host OS:Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
Guest OS:Ubuntu Dapper Drake
这个VMware Tools的安装比刚才的要麻烦一些.我原来实践过,不过给忘了,在网上搜了一下,觉得下面的方法不错,应该可以成功.
sudo -s -H
#安装linux kernel header和必备的开发环境
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential gcc
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cp /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-5.5.1-19175.tar.gz /tmp
cd /tmp
wget http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/files/vmware-tools-any-update1.tar_189.tar
wget http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/files/patch_165.tar
#安装VMware Tools
tar -xf VMwareTools-5.5.1-19175.tar.gz
tar -xf vmware-tools-any-update1.tar_189.tar
tar -xf patch_165.tar
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib
#当问你是否运行 vmware-config-tools.pl 时回答no
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-any-update1/
#当问你是否运行 vmware-config-tools.pl 时回答no
cd /usr/bin
patch vmware-config-tools.pl /tmp/patch.txt
Installing vmware tools in a Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake guest
[Update: the problem described below is now fixed]
Unfortunately installing vmware-tools inside of Ubuntu Dapper Drake does not by default give you the ability to resize your desktop - I was getting an error message during the tools config saying “No X install found”. I spent some time searching the web, reading the vmware forums, etc. and finally found some nice people who had come up with a solution. Even once you have installed it using these instructions, you need to use the Preferences->Screen resolution menu from inside Ubuntu to do it instead of just resizing the vmware menu. Anyhow, here are the instructions.
1. Start up a terminal window and do the following:
sudo bash
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
2. Get the patch text and drop it into /tmp/patch.txt.
wget http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/files/patch_165.tar
tar -xzvf patch_165.tar
mv patch.txt /tmp
3. Get the vmware-tools-any update by doing this:
cd /tmp
wget http://platan.vc.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/vmware-tools-any-update1.tar.gz
tar xzf vmware-tools-any-update1.tar.gz
4. From vmware menu, choose vm->install vmware tools - you should see a mounted CD image show up on the desktop. Back in your terminal window, do the following:
cd /tmp
tar xzvf /cdrom/VMwareTools*.tar.gz
cd vmware-tools-distrib/
During vmware-install.pl, I chose the default answers to everything but at the end did not choose to launch vmware-config-tools.pl.
5. Then do this in your terminal:
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-any-update1/
Again, choose to not run vmware-config-tools.pl yet
cd /usr/bin
patch vmware-config-tools.pl /tmp/patch.txt
6. Lastly, you can edit your config to use the vmware mouse: 代码:
perl -p -i.bak -e ‘s/\"mouse\"/\"vmmouse\"/‘ /etc/X11/xorg.conf