
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 06:06:24
扶贫攻坚计划 poverty-relief program
扶贫基金 relief subsidies
父亲产假 paternity leave (The Spanish parliament recently passed a new law extending paternity leave from the present 15 days to 4 weeks starting from 2011. 西班牙议会通过了延长父亲产假的提案,西班牙男子自2011年起将可享受为期4周的"父亲产假"。)
辐射防护 radiation protection
《浮士德》 Faust
复式计帐 duplex apartment; compound apartment
复式住宅 duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)
附属中学 attached middle school
浮屠 stupa; pagoda
服务行业 catering industry
服务器 server
服务特色;卖点 selling point
服务外包 service outsourcing (Nanjing's booming service outsourcing industry would provide about 10,000 jobs to college graduates this year, Wang Shouwen, the city's vice mayor, said at a press conference of the third China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference (CISOCC) on Thursday morning. 南京市副市长王受文上周四在第三届中国国际服务外包合作大会的新闻发布会上表示,正在蓬勃发展的南京服务外包行业今年将为大学毕业生提供约1万个工作岗位。)
妇幼保健院 maternal and child care service centre
负隅顽抗 put up a last-ditch resistance
复员 be discharged from active military service
附赠曲目 bonus track (Nineteen months after Heath Ledger's sudden passing, his directorial debut of Modest Mouse's music video for "King Rat" has been released online at WeAreTheMasses.com. The song is a bonus track from their 2007 album, "We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank." 在希斯•莱杰突然辞世十九个月后,他的导演处女作——为谦逊耗子乐团的单曲《鼠王》执导的音乐录影带在WeAreTheMasses.com网站在线发布。这首歌是该乐团2007年推出的唱片《出师未捷身先死》的附赠曲目。)
负增长 negative growth
负债经营 managing an enterprise with a loan
辅助生殖 assisted reproduction (The city's biggest assisted reproduction center has closed its doors to new patients to prevent hopeless waiting by prospective parents. 城内最大的辅助生殖中心已经停止接收新患者,以防止让那些想做父母的人无望地等待。)
父子党 father-son party
腐败官员 corrupt officials
复出 comeback (Retired film actress Brigitte Lin said Saturday in New York that she would consider a comeback if invited by Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai. 息影多年的香港女明星林青霞4日在纽约表示,若王家卫出马邀请她复出,她可以考虑。)
浮动汇率 floating exchange rate
复课 to resume classes (More than 500 students from Beichun Middle School, whose 1300 schoolmates and teachers were killed or missing in the earthquake, resumed classes Monday. 周一,北川中学500多名学生复课。在汶川地震中,该校有1300名师生遇难或失踪。)夫妻相 husband-wife looks
福娃 Fuwa
服务型政府 service-oriented government