
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 23:45:53
一位名叫费德里科-阿尔瓦雷斯 (Federico Alvarez)的乌拉圭男子花费300美元拍摄了一段科幻短片,于是一部好莱坞传奇故事诞生了。全长只有五分钟的短片《恐慌侵袭》(Panic Attack)讲述了外星人入侵地球的故事,画面中的大型机器人十分惹眼。短片五周前被上传到网络上,于是阿尔瓦雷斯开始收到无数从世界各地发来的赞扬,其中不乏好莱坞著名电影公司。
Giant robots attack Montevideo and the DIY director behind it »
9:29 AM PT, November 12, 2009
When Federico Alvarez, a filmmaker in Montevideo, Uruguay, decided on a lark to make an effects-laden short  to demonstrate his directorial and special-effects skills, little did he know it would be seen by hundreds of thousands of viewers, practically overnight.  And now Hollywood is calling.
Brand X: How did "Panic Attack!" ("Ataque de Panico") come to be?
Alvarez: We made it among friends in a period of six months. It was shot with 300 bucks. Everybody worked for free, except for the extras, who made a little money. We put 50 people on a bus and toured the city, making them run from one place to another. I don't think anyone knew at the time what they were supposed to be running from!
Brand X: The reaction to the video has been strong. Did this take you by surprise?
Alvarez: The craziest part of the story starts when I posted the short on YouTube. A few days later, it was all over the news in prime time in Montevideo. Then Buenos Aires and Madrid. Monday, it made the cover of the London Metro newspaper with the headline "Big Robots, Tiny Budget." That was nice!
Brand X: So things are working out like you wanted them to. That's great.
Alvarez: I'm learning by the minute how nuts Hollywood is. My e-mail is overflowing with e-mails from half of Hollywood wanting to buy my soul right now. I love it. Next week, I'm going to be in Los Angeles meeting executives from DreamWorks, Fox and Warner Bros.  If nothing comes of it, at least I get a first-class ticket to Los Angeles and some free meals!
-- Richard Metzger