DHL 中外运敦豪

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 18:18:19

Customer Letter on Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of China ,No.33

Dear Valued Customer,

We’re writing to inform you about a new customs regulation in China. The General Administration of Customs of China will officially implement its No.33 Announcement to strengthen the management on import and export samples and advertising articles on July 1st 2010 and we expect the following impacts on your shipments.

The new regulation requires an importer or exporter registration code (a 10 digit code)to be reported in the customs declaration of all consignments. except for documents and personal effects. If you are not registered with Customs, we seek your support to engage an agent who has the code and is authorized to act as the importer or exporter of record for your consignments.

Samples and advertising materials not exceeding RMB 400 accurately exempted from duties and taxes. Under the new regulation, all shipment snot exceeding RMB 400 will possibly be charged for appropriate customs duties, VAP and consumption tax.

With the new requirements that are brought by the Announcement, Shipments that arrive in China or are being picked up in China for export could be delayed in the clearance process.

We seek your support in the following aspects to minimize the effects of the new regulation on your shipments :

Register promptly with Customs for an importer or exporter code ,or to engage an agent who is authorized to act as the importer or exporter of record for your consignments.

Provide HS codes or inform the overseas consignee or shipper to provide accurate and detailed goods description to support us for the goods classification.

We’re working closely with the General Administration of Customs to motor the issue. We will keep you updated on any developments. We are also taking all possible measures including optimizing internal processes and allocating possible resources to minimize the controllable impacts. DHL-Sinotrans will continue to provide customers with high quality , efficient services.

Yours sincerely,

DHL- Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd.


Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of China No. 332010

In order to regulate the trade order of import and export and strengthen the management on the import and export samples as well as advertising articles, relevant issues are hereby announced as follows:

ⅰ. Import and export samples refer to the sample goods which are imported or exported only for reference for placing orders; the import and export advertising articles refer to the Werbebrief which are imported or exported for publicizing the contents of related commodities.

ⅱ. Import and export samples and advertising articles, whether provided free of charge or not, shall apply customs declaration by the import and export consignee and consignor or their agents registered at the Customs, and go through inspection and clearance by the Customs in accordance with the provisions.

ⅲ. Where the import and export samples and advertising articles belong to commodities that are under the State import and export restrictions or are administrated by issuing license for import and export , relevant Stated administrative provisions shall apply.

ⅳ. Import and export samples and advertising articles with no commercial value are granted an exemption of tariff and import duty collected by the Customs, while other import and export samples and advertising articles shall be taxed uniformly in accordance with the regulation.

ⅴ. The Announcement shall be implemented as of July 1,2010.The original Measures for Customs Supervision of the People’ Republic of China on Import and Export Samples and Advertising Articles(SHUHUOZI[86] No.496)and Notice on Amending Article7 of Measures for Customs Supervision on Import and Export Samples and Advertising Articles (SHUJIANYI[1990] No.698) shall be repealed simultaneously.

May 25,2010-8-10

General Office of the General Administration of Customs of China

译文:        关于中国海关总署《第33号公告》告客户书
近日,中外运-敦豪国际航空快件有限公司得到有关部门通知:中国海关总署将于2010年7月1日正式开始实施 关于进出口货样和广告品管理的《第33号公告》。我们预计该《公告》会给您的进出口快件带来如下影响:
1.  除文件和个人物品外,所有进出口快件向海关申报时均需要提供中国境内收、发货人在海关注册登记的进出口收发
2.  由于取消了400元人民币以下货样、广告品免税的规定,海关将依据商品编码(HS)计算关税。因此,完税价格在
3. 考虑到《公告》实施后海关的新要求,进出口快件的的货物的通关将有可能产生一定延误。
1. 尽快办理海关进出口收发货人注册登记或找到具备海关进出口收发货人资格的代理人。
2. 提供快件商品编码(HS)或联系境内外收、发货人提供准确、详细的货物描述,协助我司完成商品归类。
中外运敦豪将会与海关总署和其他地方海关保持联系,密切关注相关变化并及时与您沟通。同时,我们计划 进一步优化内部流程、调配资源,以求将可控的影响减少到最小。中外运敦豪将一如既往的为客户提供 优质、快捷的服务。