译言网 | 宽恕是治愈的最佳选择

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 15:45:25
What is your normal reaction when people hurt you intentionally?  Retaliate!  Get even!  We're often at our creative best when we’re thinking up methods to get even.  当别人故意伤害你时,你的正常反应是什么?报复!报仇!当我们在思考报复的方法时,我们的创造性最强。
But the Bible teaches we need to make a choice to forgive. Instead of reacting, we should take the initiative to forgive.但是圣经教导我们必须选择去宽恕。相反的,我们应该主动地去宽恕。
In his book, Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am?, John Powell says he was walking down the street with a friend and they stopped to get a paper.  The man selling the paper was discourteous and very rude. As they walked away, John’s friend said to the man, “You have a nice day, now!” 在这本书中,我为什么不敢告诉你我是谁?约翰•鲍威尔说他和朋友走在街上,然后停下来想要一张纸.卖纸的人很没有礼貌,非常粗鲁.当他们走远了,约翰的朋友对那人说,“你有美好的一天,现在!”
John asked his friend, “Is that man always that rude to you?”约翰问他的朋友,“那个男人总是对你那么粗鲁吗?”
“Yes.” “是的”
“Are you always that nice to him?” “你一直对他那么好吗?”
John’s friend said, “Yes, I’m not going to let one man ruin my day.”约翰的朋友说,“是的,我不会让另外一个人毁了我的生活。”
The brilliant African-American scientist, Booker T. Washington, faced prejudice all his life, but he made a very significant choice about how he would handle it: “I will never allow another man to control or ruin my life by making me hate him.”才华横溢的非洲裔美国科学家,布克•华盛顿在他的一生中都面对偏见,但是他做了一个很重要的选择关于怎样掌控偏见:“我从不通过怨恨别人而让他控制或者毁坏我的生活。”
The moment you start retaliating or seeking revenge is the same moment you give up control of your life.  You have allowed the person you’re angry at to gain control of your life because you are reacting, which is a position of weakness, as opposed to forgiving, which is a position of Christlike strength.
The Bible teaches, “Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, ‘I will take revenge; I will pay them back,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19 NLT).圣经教导我们,“亲爱的弟兄,不要自己伸冤,宁可让步,听凭主怒。因为经上记着:“主说,伸冤在我,我必报应。”