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第二十三课:The Community Center ACT II

There is a way, Malcolm. 有一个办法 MMalcolm。
We get our friends to roll their sleeves up and get to work. 我们召集我们档呐笥压餐 起袖子来做。
It's certainly a good idea. 这的确是个好种 意。
If I could take a look at the place, 假如我能看看哪 个地方的话
I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up. 我大致能说出行薷 它需要些什麽。
How much paint, how many hours of work ... 多少油漆 多缮 小时的工作量……
That's what I came to ask you to do, Malcolm. 这正是我来请哪 做的 Malcolm。
If you would supervise the refurbishing, 假如你能监督照薰
I'll find the people to help do it. 我可以找人来鞍 忙。
I'll help too, Mr. Baker. 我也要帮忙 BBaker先生。
I can get some of my friends to go around the neighborhood 我可以叫我的排 友们在这社区
and collect the furniture we need. 募集我们需要档 家具 。
I'll help. 我也来帮忙。
Tomorrow. Yes. We'll meet tomorrow morning, right here. 明天。对 我妹 明天早晨会面 就在这儿。
Can we help? 我们可以帮忙
I'd really like to. 我真的希望帮妹Α
Sure. 当然。
We might need you to come through with your friends, Robbie. 我们也许需要哪 们多邀朋友来帮忙 Robbie。
Not just to go around the neighborhood asking for furniture, 不仅在这社区哪技揖
but to help with the paint job. 还要帮忙粉刷
That's backbreaking work and may be too much for us. 这可是累人的构ぷ 我们可能负荷不了。
I'll do it. I'll talk to them. 我来做 我去父 他们谈一谈。
And tomorrow morning we'll all meet here to discuss the plan? 是不是明天早吵课 们都聚到这 来讨论整修计划
Tomorrow morning it is. 确定是明天早吵俊
Come in, come in. Please, come in. 请进 请进。乔 进来。
I'd like you to meet my friend Malcolm Stewart. 我来为 介绍挝业 朋友Malcolm Stewart。
Malcolm, this is Joanne Thompson. Malcolm 这是是Joanne Thompson
Hello, Joanne. Nice to meet you. 好 Joanne : 高兴见到 。
My pleasure, Malcolm. 我也很荣幸 MMalcolm。
And this is Abe Lucas. You must remember Abe. 这是Abe Lucass。你一定记得Abe。
He ran the drugstore 他经营药房
and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends. 末还经常在揪 士乐队中 鼓。
Oh, sure I do. Hi, Abe. 噢 我当然记档 。嗨 Abe。
Hello, Mr. Stewart. 哈 Stewartt先生。
Malcolm, please. 请叫我Malcolmm吧。
Hello, Malcolm. 哈 Malcolmm。
Sit down, sit down. Have some coffee. 请坐 请坐。汉 点咖啡。
And I've got some delicious Danish pastry for you. 我为你们准备亮 一些可口的丹麦点心。
Where's your grandson Robbie and his friend Alexandra? 你的孙子Robbiie和他的朋友Alexandra呢
Weren't they going to be here this morning? 他们不是今天栽 上要来这儿吗
I thought so, too. 我也这样想。
I'm surprised they're not here. 我奇怪他们怎鼢 没来。
I'm surprised they're not here. 我奇怪他们怎鼢 没来。
Robbie left early this morning to meet Alexandra. Robbie早上很栽 出去接Alexandra。
Frankly, I thought they'd be here, but ... 老实说 我原乙 为他们会在这儿 但……
It's OK. I'm sure they meant well, 没有关 。我父 说他们有心帮忙
but they probably had other things on their minds. 但他们也许还佑 其他的事想要做。
I understand you used to be in the construction business, 听说你过去从适 营造业
Malcolm. Malcolm。
I was, indeed. 的确如此。
I wonder if you would take a look at the old library 我不知道你是贩 可以看一看旧图书馆
and make sure that it is in good condition 确定它状 良
so that we don't have to worry about any structural problems. 我们就可以不佑 担心任何结构上的问题。
When can I do that? I'd be happy to. 我什麽时候可乙 去看 我很乐意做这项工作。
We've got permission to go inside the old building 我们已获 进热 那栋老建筑物
during the week-- 在本 内
Tuesday or Wednesday. 星期二或者星破 三。
That's fine with me. I can do it either day. 对我来说时间汉 适合。两天 哪一天我都可以。
That would be very helpful. 你这样做帮忙靠 大噢。
I think the building just needs a good cleaning. 我想那座建筑 只需要好好地打扫一下。
And a good paint job. 还需要好好的贩 刷。
Then we have to furnish it. 然後我们还得鬃 潢摆设。
I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting. 我真希望Robbiie和Alexandra已经来参加开会。
They had some ideas about getting the place fixed up. 他们对於怎麽蜒 修复这个地方有 构想。
Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime, 也许他们会露妹 。在这等待期间
Perhaps they'll show up. In the meantime, 也许他们会露妹 。在这等待期间
let me give you some additional thoughts and ideas I have. 让我提出一些亮 外的想法。
OK. 好。
Go ahead, Joanne. 请讲吧 Joannne。
As I said, mostly the building just needs a good cleaning. 就像我先前所怂档 这栋建筑物大部份仅需要好好打扫一下
This place can be developed 我们可以拓展照 个地方
with one real intergenerational program. 用一套真正跨 辈份的活动。
That's an idea I like. 我喜欢这样的种 意。
A community center 一个社区中心
with the kinds of programs that fit everyone. 拥有适合任何热说母魇 活动。
And programs that don't leave anyone out. 而且是些不排揪 任何人的活动。
It's asking a lot. 那需要做许多构 作。
But we can't do it without talking to the young people. 但我们不能在妹挥 跟年轻人谈谈的情 下就去做。
Finding out what they want. 得看看他们想乙 什麽。
If only Robbie and Alexandra were here. 要是Robbie和AAlexandra在这儿多好。
Don't be upset, Malcolm. 别懊恼了 Mallcolm。
We'll have a chance to talk to them later. 我们以後还有换 会跟他们谈。
It's not like Robbie. 这不像是Robbiie的作为。
If he says he's going to be here, he's here. 假如他说他要览 这儿 他就一定会来。
I wonder what the problem is. 我不知道发生亮 什麽问题。