we can make it to order

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 04:46:08
1.We can make it according to you specification. 我们能按照您的要求生产它。收藏指正 2.The ad.says: "If you want a suitable and wonderful cap, we can make it for you to order." 广告上说:“如果你想要一顶合适而美观的帽子,我们可以为你定做。”收藏指正 3.upswing. We can have better jobs and better pay. We can make this country that we want it to be 我们大家清楚了解,美国不是非走下坡不可。美国可心蒸蒸日上。我们可以有更好的工作,更好的待遇。我们想要美国成为什么样的国家,它就会成为什么样的国家。收藏指正 4.The server is built?in EXE file to run independently. And we can modify it to DLL to make it more useful. 客户端为组件形式,只需添加引用,设置几个参数即可连接服务器进行通讯.收藏指正 5.It is the outcome of a kind of modem high technology to measure lie technology, the application that we can not exclude it absolutely in civil adjudication, make it dissociate besides the program of civil procedure, can not also deify it, is regard as it to break through the hand of Buddhist temple of the deadlock of civil procedure Jian. 摘要测谎技术是一种现代高科技的产物,我们既不能绝对排斥其在民事审判中的应用,使其游离于民事诉讼程序之外,也不能将其“神化”,将其视为冲破民事诉讼僵局的刹手铜。收藏指正 6.Helping Patty into the helicopter,Gary asks the pilot,“ Can we make it to the airport in time?” “ We will now,” the pilot smiles. 加里一边帮着帕蒂登上直升机,一边问飞行员,"我们能按时到达机场吗?""现在能,"飞行员笑着说。收藏指正 7.We can make arrangements to send it by cable if you would pay the cable cost. 如果你愿意付电报费的话,我们可以替你电汇。收藏指正 8.We hope to make it a success, but if it fails, we can learn from the experience. 搞成功是我们的愿望,不成功是一个经验嘛。收藏指正 9.How can we make it up to them for what they have suffered ? 我们如何能补偿他们所遭受的损害?收藏指正 10.The biggest mistake we can make now is to believe that we have got it made and that success is an irreversible process. 如果我们相信我们已经成功,从此将一帆风顺,那就大错特错了。收藏指正 11.What can we do to make it up to you? 你想要我们怎样予以补偿?收藏指正 12.Some cadres hesitated before this prospect, but Bocheng explained the situation to them. "If we do this," he said, "we can draw the enemy to ourselves and make it easier for the other field armies. How can you take hot embers out from under a pot if you are afraid of burning your fingers? Even if we have to make sacrifices, we should not begrudge them." 当时有的干部对执行这一任务有顾虑,伯承对他们说,这个行动可以把敌人吸引到我们身上来,减轻兄弟野战军的压力。釜底抽薪,焉能惧怕烫手,即使作出牺牲,也义无反顾。收藏指正 13.We have room for improvement and it is from such improvement that we can make the Singaporean more love-able, maybe not to everyone but at the very least, to Singaporeans ourselves. 我们有很多地方还有待改善,通过改进自己,新加坡人才能变得更能关爱他人。当然,我不是说关爱每一个人。但是,至少新加坡人必须关爱新加坡人。收藏指正 14.We can not make any decision prior to discuss it fully. 在全面讨论这件事之前,我们不能作出决定。收藏指正 15.It is our practice to require sight letter of credit, we can not make an exception of this transaction. 需要即期信用证是我们的惯例,对这笔交易我们不能例外。收藏指正 16.What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it 我们所办不到的是要使云产生雨,如果它不是随时要产生雨的话。收藏指正 17.You can leave it to us; we will make a job of it. 你可以把这事交给我们,我们会把它干好的。收藏指正 18.We should make it clear to the rest of the world that nobody can alter the principles, policies and strategies we have worked out. 我们要向世界说明,我们现在制定的这些方针、政策、战略,谁也变不了。收藏指正 19.We hope you can work a few jokes into your speech to make it more interesting. 我们希望你能在你的讲话里加进几个笑话,使它更生动。收藏指正 20.Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?收藏指正