7.28 天天读图---世界之旅(The Nile ,Egype 埃及尼罗河)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 17:11:26

The Nile

River flowing through Egypt and Sudan, which has its sources in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi. The Nile, as defined starting with the Kyaka river in Burundi, is 6,671 km long, and has a surface area of a total of 3,350,000 km?(5 times the area of France). The discharge is around 3,1 million litres per second.

The ancient name of the Nile, was Iteru. The annual flood was personified by the god Hapy, who was associated with fertility and regeneration.

尼罗河流经河 埃及 以及 苏丹 则源埃塞俄比亚、乌干达、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、布隆迪. 尼罗河的规定,首先在布隆迪刚果河,长6671公里,有面积共3,350,000公里(法国面积5倍). 排放约为每秒3,1亿公升.

古尼罗河名字,Iteru. 每年洪水代表的神Hapy,他与生育和再生.


The Nile can be divided into three zones, starting in the south: The first consists of tributaries to the two streams of the White Nile and the Blue Nile which join near Khartoum in Sudan. The second zone is the stretch between Khartoum and Cairo. The third and last zone is the Nile Delta, where the Nile divides into several branches and artificial canals. The main rivers are Rosetta (Rashid) and Damietta (Dumyat) are the main ones. The Nile Delta is the widest habitable area of the Nile, and it even includes several lakes, like Manzala, Buruillus and Edku.

The width of the Nile north from Aswan in Egypt it's most important stretch in terms of inhabitants and economy is 2.8 km in average. The greatest width is at Edfu, with 7.5 km, the smallest at Silwa Gorge, near Aswan, with 350 metres.

Modern times have added more division lines, like the two dams at Aswan. There are also minor dams in Sudan, aiding agriculture and protecting against large floods.


尼罗河可分为三个区,南起:第一类为两溪的支流白尼罗河和青尼罗河,与附近 喀土穆 苏丹. 二是地区之间的紧张和喀土穆 开罗 . 第三次也是最后一次的区 尼罗河三角洲 在一些部门和尼罗河分为人工运河. 主要河流有Rosetta(Rashid)和Damietta(Dumyat)是主要的因素. 尼罗河三角洲地区,是最适合的尼罗河,甚至包括一些湖泊,像Manzala,并Buruillusand.

尼罗河的宽度从北 阿斯旺 在埃及,真正最重要的阶段,经济的大局出发,从居民平均是280公里. 最大宽度是 Edfu 在750公里以上,最小的Silwa峡谷附近的阿斯旺,350米.

近代分工更增加线路,如 在阿斯旺大坝 . 还有小水坝,苏丹、帮助和保护农业与大洪水.

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