7.15天天读图-世界之旅(泰国北榄鳄鱼湖Crocodile Farm, Thailand )

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 20:45:03

为了补偿大家,今天要多发些哦,下面转贴的是一个小孩游览Crocodile Farm的日记,今天就让他带我们游览拉。

One weekend in April 1999, I went to The Crocodile Farm with my brother and my friends. When we arrived there we took a picture outside the Crocodile Farm. We bought a ticket, for children it is 30 baht and for foreigners it is more expensive.


When we went inside we went to look at some baby crocodiles in the nursery. There were a lot of baby crocodiles on top of each other. When we finished, it was time for the elephant show so we went to watch it. It starts every half an hour. In the show there were about five elephents that did some tricks like walking on a rope, riding a tricycle and dancing. When they finished the show they asked for brave people to come down and lie on the ground and let the elephant walk over them. I was really scared about that I didn't want to go but my friends told me to go down but none of my friends went down! When the elephent walked over me I felt very scared. I thought the elephant will tread on me but it didn't

Then at about 11.00 a.m. we went to watch a Crocodile Wresting Show. It was very exciting and very fun too. In the show there were two men who came to fight with the crocodiles with their bare hands. When one man showed the audience how he could put his head into the crocodile's mouth, the other man did a joke by making a loud noise and scaring that man. Then, when the show had nearly finished, a young boy came in and held a crocodile up, he was very brave. If I was him I would not do like that for sure. After he held the crocodile up he showed everyone and let them take a photo. The other two men held one too.

Then we went on a train to look around the Crocodile Farm. I saw a lot of animals like lions, tigers, ostriches, snakes, camels, monkeys etc. I saw a Bird Garden and a big lake too. There were some people playing on boats. After that we went to watch a lot of crocodiles in the Crocodile's pens. We saw the biggest crocodile too. It was very very big. It is more than six metres long and very fat. Some people were feeding it a dead chicken. I saw some deformed crocodiles too. Some had no tail, no toes etc. and I saw a six footed crocodile too. Then we went back home at about 3.00 p.m.

This is the picture of the baby crocodiles on top of each other. There were a lot of baby crocodiles. Some crocodiles were swimmimg in the water, some were sleeping under the water

In the picture the elephent is walking over me (I was under the elephant). I was really scared because I thought it would tread on me

This is the biggest crocodile in the world. It's name is "Yai". It is very big and old too, it is more than 6 metres long. Someone who sells chicken for crocodiles said "This crocodile will stay here all the time but if another crocodile comes and disturbs it, it will go away by itself".

7.15天天读图-世界之旅(泰国北榄鳄鱼湖Crocodile Farm, Thailand ) 7.16 天天读图-世界之旅(Pattaya beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩) 7.8天天读图-世界之旅(喜马拉雅山The Himalayas ) 7.7天天读图-世界之旅(故宫) 8.1 天天读图---世界之旅(Bermuda,神奇百慕大) 8.5 天天读图---世界之旅(Suez Canal,苏伊士运河) 8.7 天天读图---世界之旅(Hawaii,夏威夷群岛) (7.17)天天读图--世界之旅 Yellowstone National Park(黄石国家公园) 7.24 天天读图---世界之旅(Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河) 7.9 天天读图-世界之旅(印度泰姬陵, Taj Mahal, India) 7.24 天天读图---世界之旅(Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河) (7.19)天天读图--世界之旅:Mosque of st, Sophia 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 7.18 天天读图 --- 世界之旅(central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园) 7.14天天读图-世界之旅( 新加坡圣淘沙Sentosa, Singapore) 7.13天天读图-世界之旅(印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Borobudur, Indonesia) 7.12天天读图-世界之旅(印度尼西亚巴厘岛Bali, Indonesia ) 7.11天天读图-世界之旅(柬埔寨吴哥窟Angkor Wat, Cambodia ) 7.10 天天读图-世界之旅(艾菲尔铁塔, The Eiffel Tower) 7.25 天天读图--- 世界之旅(Aapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科) 7.28 天天读图---世界之旅(The Nile ,Egype 埃及尼罗河) 7.29 天天读图---世界之旅(The Pyramids,Egype 埃及金字塔) 7.30 天天读图---世界之旅(Great Barrier Reef ,大堡礁) 7.31 天天读图---世界之旅(Buckingham palace, England 白金汉宫) .8.2 天天读图---世界之旅(Niagara Falls,尼亚加拉瀑布)