7.11天天读图-世界之旅(柬埔寨吴哥窟Angkor Wat, Cambodia )

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 15:15:26
请大家见谅,online 昨天去了扬州的瘦西湖,所以由我们的sindy美女当了两天导游。好久米有出门了,换换心情也不错哦,尤其雨中的的瘦西湖别有一番韵味。扬州城市不大,一天就可以玩下来,希望大家有空也去转转哈。


Located in Northwestern Cambodia, Angkor, the Capital of the Ancient Khmer Empire was possibly founded around the Ninth Century AD by King Jayavarman II(苏利耶跋摩二世). However, the city reached its peak glory in the 12th Century under Kings Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII.

The most beautiful and most famous monument in the city, Angkor Wat, lies about one kilometer south of the Royal town of Angkor Thom which was founded by Jayavarman VII.

The Temple of Angkor Wat was dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu(供奉毗湿奴) by King Suryavarman II, who reigned (统治)between AD 1131 and 1150.

The Temple was constructed over a period of 30 years, and illustrates some of the most beautiful examples of Khmer and Hindu art. Covering an area of about 81 hectares(公顷), the complex consists of five towers, which are presently shown on the Cambodian national flag.

These towers are believed to represent the five peaks of Mount Meru, the Home of Gods and Center of the Hindu Universe. Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which runs along the outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu Mythology.

With the decline of the Ancient Khmer Empire, Angkor Wat was turned into a Buddhist Temple and was continuously maintained, which helped its preservation. In 1992, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared the monument, and the whole city of Angkor, a World Heritage Site.

吴哥是高棉人(柬埔寨的人口最多的民族)的精神中心和宗教中心, 是9-15世纪东南亚高棉王国的都城。“吴哥”(Angkor)一词源于梵语“Nagara”,意为都市。吴哥王朝(公元802年-1431年)先后有25位国王,统治着中南半岛南端及越南和孟加拉湾之间的大片土地,势力范围远远超出了今天柬埔寨的领土,吴哥所在地暹粒中的“暹”是泰国的简称“暹粒”是战胜泰国的意思。历代国王大兴土木,留下了吴哥城(Angkor Thom), 吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)和女王宫等印度教与佛教建筑风格的寺塔。1431年,泰族军队攻占并洗劫了吴哥,繁华的吴哥从此湮没于方圆45平方公里榛莽之中,成为一片杂木丛生的废墟,逐渐被人们遗忘。19世纪后期,吴哥被重新发现。

7.11天天读图-世界之旅(柬埔寨吴哥窟Angkor Wat, Cambodia ) 7.8天天读图-世界之旅(喜马拉雅山The Himalayas ) 7.7天天读图-世界之旅(故宫) 8.1 天天读图---世界之旅(Bermuda,神奇百慕大) 8.5 天天读图---世界之旅(Suez Canal,苏伊士运河) 8.7 天天读图---世界之旅(Hawaii,夏威夷群岛) (7.17)天天读图--世界之旅 Yellowstone National Park(黄石国家公园) 7.24 天天读图---世界之旅(Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河) 7.9 天天读图-世界之旅(印度泰姬陵, Taj Mahal, India) 7.24 天天读图---世界之旅(Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河) (7.19)天天读图--世界之旅:Mosque of st, Sophia 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 7.18 天天读图 --- 世界之旅(central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园) 7.16 天天读图-世界之旅(Pattaya beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩) 7.15天天读图-世界之旅(泰国北榄鳄鱼湖Crocodile Farm, Thailand ) 7.14天天读图-世界之旅( 新加坡圣淘沙Sentosa, Singapore) 7.13天天读图-世界之旅(印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Borobudur, Indonesia) 7.12天天读图-世界之旅(印度尼西亚巴厘岛Bali, Indonesia ) 7.10 天天读图-世界之旅(艾菲尔铁塔, The Eiffel Tower) 7.25 天天读图--- 世界之旅(Aapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科) 7.28 天天读图---世界之旅(The Nile ,Egype 埃及尼罗河) 7.29 天天读图---世界之旅(The Pyramids,Egype 埃及金字塔) 7.30 天天读图---世界之旅(Great Barrier Reef ,大堡礁) 7.31 天天读图---世界之旅(Buckingham palace, England 白金汉宫) .8.2 天天读图---世界之旅(Niagara Falls,尼亚加拉瀑布)