windtear 追求完美: HoeKey-超小巧超强悍的快捷键小工具

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April 29, 2004
HoeKey - 超小巧超强悍的快捷键小工具
下午看到网友推荐试了试 太强大了 惊呆
发信人: Machael (Special Striving For), 信区: NewSoftware
标  题: 顶力推荐:超级好用,超级强大的热键软件
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Apr 29 14:41:07 2004), 站内
win+F12: TC,win+F11: FlashFXP,
win+F10: MyIE,win+N: Notepad,win+end: 缩小当前窗口到托盘中,win+home: 恢复最后一个隐藏的窗口,
win+Y: 显示当前窗口可以Copy的文字,win+S: cmd.exe并进入当前目录,win+~: 关闭显示器,
win+K: 杀掉当前进程,win+up: 最大化当前窗口,win+down: 恢复当前窗口.....
----->   hoekey.ini
;   HoeKey config - example from a12b4
; key modifiers:
; ~=windows, _=shift, ^=ctrl, @=alt
; some general good stuff
-=Rem|-- General --
~end=Hide||1             ; win+end: hide current window
~_end=Hide||2             ; win+end: hide current window
~home=Unhide          ; win+home: show last hidden window
~Y=Editify            ; show text from window for copy
~N=Run|notepad.exe    ; Notepad
~_S=Run|cmd.exe|||%c  ; Command shell in curdir
~S=Run|cmd.exe        ; Command shell
~_E=Run|explorer.exe %c  ; explorer in current directory
~4=Transparency          ; set current window to be transparent and on top
~`=Run|rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation    ; win+tick: lock workstation
_~`=Run|rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState ; win+tilde: suspend / hibernate
~^`=Wait|1000            ; turn monitor off
_^E=Keys|\a\0\1\2\8\A    ; euro symbol
;~up=Msg||274|61488      ; win+up: maximize current window
;~down=Msg||274|61728    ; win+down: restore current window
~page down=Msg||274|61472    ; win+pgdn: minimize current window
-=Rem|-- WWW stuff --
~I=Input|Google search:|Moz tacular||%s ; Prompted Google
~1=Run||fr&text=%s ; xlate selection english->french
;~2=Run||en&text=%s ; xlate selection french->english
~G=Run|                              ; search google for selection
_~G=Run|‘m+Feeling+Lucky&q=%s      ; lucky google search selection
~3=Run|                    ; look up selection in dictionary
~_3=Input|Look up word:|||%u ; prompted dictionary lookup
-=Rem|-- Sound --
_~1=Volume||0   ; volume: 0%
_~2=Volume||10  ; volume: 10%
_~4=Volume||30  ; volume: 30%
_~5=Volume||42  ; volume: 42%
_~6=Volume||57  ; volume: 57%
_~7=Volume||70  ; volume: 70%
_~8=Volume||80  ; volume: 80%
_~9=Volume||90  ; volume: 90%
_~0=Volume||100 ; volume: 100%
~up=Msg|Progman|793|0|655360   ; win+up: vol up
~down=Msg|Progman|793|0|589824 ; win+down: vol down
; Winamp keys
-=Rem|-- Winamp --
~W=Run|c:\program files\Winamp5\winamp.exe ; Winamp: start/activate
~Z=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40044 ; Winamp: prev
=Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|786432 ; WMP - prev
~X=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40045 ; Winamp: play
=Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|851968 ; WMP - Stop
~C=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40046 ; Winamp: pause
=Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|917504 ; WMP - Pause
~V=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40048 ; Winamp: next
=Msg|WMPlayerApp|793|0|720896 ; WMP - next
177=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40044 ; Winamp: prev
178=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40047 ; Winamp: stop
176=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40048 ; Winamp: next
179=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40046 ; Winamp: pause
=Msg|Winamp v1.x|1024|0|104|0 ; see if playing
=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40045 ; stopped, so push play
; * win+V rather than win+B as WinXP explorer uses win+B to focus systray
~A=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|40188         ; Winamp: about current song
~J=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|40194         ; Winamp: jump to song
~7=FocusMsg|Winamp v1.x|273|23123         ; Winamp 2.9+: Show media library
-=Rem|-- Nonsense --
~^E=Kill|progman ; restart explorer
~f2=Eject|f         ; eject d: cd rom
~f3=Msg|0|274|61760 ; start screensaver
~f4=Apps            ; show list of hidden apps
; More Examples:
; Show current window title and classname
~9=MsgBox|Window Title:[%t] -- Classname:[%l]
; Disable hotkeys, run notepad, re-enable hotkeys
; Move current window to left side of 1024x768 screen:
; ~9=Move||0|0|512|-30
; Move current window to right side of 1024x768 screen:
; ~^9=Move|||512|0|512|-30
; Center current window:
; ~6=Keys|\c\p\Cu
; Popup start menu, choose programs
; ~8=Keys|\wp\W
; Use different program for config of HoeKey (automatically disables hotkeys during config):
;config=Run|notepad %i||1
; Show icon in system tray for HoeKey, double click to bring up hoekey config
; You can override explorer hotkeys (win+B, win+D, win+E, win+F, win+R, win+L, win+M, win+U)
; for winxp: use regkey:
;   [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]
;   "NoWinKeys"=dword:00000001
; for win95/98/me? you can stop explorer, reload hoekey config, restart explorer
;load=MsgBox|Hoekey started :)|Hoe-tastic|2000
; include another settings file:
;  show add/remove programs dialog:
;^@~X=Run|Rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl
; ~0=show|ET WinConsole   ; Show hidden Enemy Territory console
; Custom window tabbing:  stack adds to stack, unstack removes, cycle tabs between stacked apps
~t=run|C:\Program Files\DScaler\DScaler.exe
;=Run|notepad.exe "%c\%u.txt"
^_F=Run|wscript.exe CreateFolder.vbs "%c"
;^12=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40040 ;playlist window toggle
;^101=Msg|Winamp v1.x|273|40040 ;playlist window toggle
;~@44=MsgBox|You hit the win-alt-printscreen key!
;19=Run|Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL
;~5=Keys| \a\0\5\9\A
;~5=Run|putty @gateway
;~5=run|cmd.exe /c "dir&pause"
Posted by windtear at April 29, 2004 08:03 PM


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