
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 16:40:16
font size in legend (key)
  • From: merritt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ethan Merritt)
  • Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:14:46 -0800 (PST)

In article <6f73e649-7c31-4af7-a43a-cd73a10faa46@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Hi, I am wondering how I can change the font size of the text in a
legend (key). The default size looks small, but I searched the whole
entry of "set key" in the manual and got nowhere. Is there anyway I
can change it? Thanks!

Use enhanced text mode to set the title of the plot to whatever you like:

plot "foo" with lines title "{/Times=25 Big Title!}",
"baz" with dots title "{/Times=8 Little Dots}"
 set term postscript enhanced color  solid  "Times-Roman,25"
 set output 'band.eps'
 set ylabel 'E-Ef( eV)' font "Time-Roman,25"
 set size  0.6,0.8
# set format y "%.1f"
 set border 31 lt -1 lw 2.000
 set ytics nomirror set yrange [-1:1]
 set xrange [0:0.155370]
 set xzeroaxis
 unset xtics
 set ytics font "Time-Roman,25"
 set label "{/Symbol G}" at 0,-1.10 font "Times-Roman,25"
 set label "X" at 0.15,-1.10 font "Times-Roman,25"
 plot 'Bands' u 1:2 w l lt 1 lw 4 title "{/Times=22 up}" ,'Bands' u 1:3 w l lt 3 lw 4 title "{/Times=22 down}"

set term postscript enhanced color  solid  "Times-Roman,25"
 set output '000000.eps'
set size 1.0,0.8
set border 31 lt -1 lw 2.000
set ytics font "Time-Roman,25"
set ytics 0.4 font "Time-Roman,25"
set xtics 0.2 font "Time-Roman,25"
set xzeroaxis lt 0 lw 3
set yzeroaxis lt 0 lw 3
set xrange [-1:1]
set xlabel 'E (eV)' font "Times-Roman,25"
set ylabel 'T(E)' font "Times-Roman,25"
plot  'trans.out'  u 1:2 w l lt 1 lw 5 title "{/Times=18 transmission}"

在plot 语句前加上set size 0.5,0.5可以使得自己话的图变粗变好看!