She's much obliged

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 19:10:47
'She'smuch obliged, ma'am, and she'd like ansuprashoes oldgown or a pair of stockings of yours to put in a rug she's making.Got a vest of Emerson's, she says, and a pair of Mr. Holmes'strousers, and a dress of Mrs Stowe's. She must be crazy!'
'Giveher that old red shawl, then I shall make a gay show among the greatones in that astonishing rug. Yes, they are all lunatics, theselion-hunters; but this seems to be aretro7 air jordans harmless maniac, for she doesn't take my time, and gives me a goodlaugh,' said Mrs Jo, returning to her work after a glance from thewindow, which showed her a tall, thin lady in rusty black, skippingwildly to and fro on the lawn in pursuit of the lively insect shewanted.
Nomore interruptions till the light began to fade, then Mary poppeduggsale her head in to say a gentleman wished to see Mrs Bhaer, and wouldn'ttake no for an answer.
'Hemust. I shall not go down. This has been an awful day, and I won't bedisturbed again,' replied the harassed authoress, pausingauthenticretro air jordans inthe midst of the grand finale of her chapter.
'Itold him so, ma'am; but he walked right in as bold as brass. I guesshe's another crazy one, and I declare I'm 'most afraid of him, he'sso big and black, and cool as cucumbers, though I will say he'sgood-looking,' added Mary, with a simper; for the stranger hadevidently foundjordanxx3 shoes favour in her sight despite his boldness.
'Myday has been ruined, and I will have this last half-hour to finish.Tell him to go away; I won't go down,' cried Mrs Jo, fiercely.
Marywent; and listening, in spite of herself, her mistress heard first amurmur of voices, then a cry from Mary, and remembering the ways ofreporters, also that her maid wasjordanmen's retro 7 both pretty and timid, Mrs Bhaer flung down her pen and went to therescue. Descending with her most majestic air she demanded in anawe-inspiring voice, as she paused to survey the somewhat brigandishintruder, who seemed to be storming the staircase which Mary wasgallantly defending: 'Who is this person who insists on remainingairjordan shoes whenI have declined to see him?'
'I'msure I don't know, ma'am. He won't give no name, and says you'll besorry if you don't see him,' answered Mary, retiring flushed andindignant from her post.
'Won'tyou be sorry?' asked the stranger, looking up with a pair of blackeyes full ofairmax shoes laughter,the flash of white teeth through a long beard, and both hands out ashe boldly approached the irate lady.
MrsJo gave one keen look, for the voice was familiar; then completedMary's bewilderment by throwing both arms roundjordan5 sneakers thebrigand's neck, exclaiming joyfully: 'My dearest boy, where did youcome from?'
'California,on purpose to see you, Mother Bhaer. Now won't you be sorry if I goaway?' answered Dan, with a hearty kiss.
'Tothink of my ordering you out of the house when I've been longing tosee you for a year,' laughed Mrs Jo, and she went down to have ajordanxx3 air goodtalk with her returned wanderer, who enjoyed the joke immensely.
MrsJo often thought that Dan had Indian blood in him, not only becauseof his love of a wild, wandering life, but his appearance; for as hegrew up, this became more striking.