She's a very intelligent child

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 14:14:24
"She'sa very intelligent child, and has a nice little manner of her own,"observedredwing classic bootAunt Jane, with unusual affability; for Rose had just handed Mac ascreen to guard his eyes from the brilliant fire.
"IfI had a daughter like that to show my Jem when he gets home, I shouldbe a very proud and happy woman," thoughtredwing winter bootsAunt Jessie, and then reproached herself for not being perfectlysatisfied with her four brave lads.
AuntPlenty was too absorbed in the dinner to have an eye for anythingelse; if she had not been, she would have seen what an effect her newcap produced upon the boys. The good lady owned that she did "lovea dressy cap," and on this occasion her head gearslippersboots wasmagnificent; for the towering structure of lace was adorned with buffribbons to such an extent that it looked as if a flock of yellowbutterflies had settled on her dear old head. When she trotted aboutthe rooms the ruches quivered, the little bows all stood erect, andthe streamers waved in the breeze so comically that it was absolutelynecessarywomenwork bootsfor Archie to smother the Brats in the curtains till they had hadtheir first laugh out.
UncleMac had brought Fun See to dinner, and it was a mercy he did, for theelder lads found a vent for their merriment in joking the youngChinaman on his improvedallthe boot boys appearance. He was in American costume now, with a cropped head, andspoke remarkably good English after six months at school; but, forall that, his yellow face and beady eyes made a curious contrast tothe blonde Campbells all about him. Will called him the "Typhoon,"meaning Tycoon, and the name stuck to him to his greatuggboatsdisgust.
AuntPeace was brought down and set in the chair of state at table, forshe never failed to join the family on this day, and sat smiling atthem all, "like an embodiment of Peace on earth," UncleAlec said, as he took his place beside her, whilewomenwinter waterproof bootsUncle Mac supported Aunt Plenty at the other end.
"Iate hardly any breakfast, and I've done everything I know to makemyself extra hungry, but I really don't think I can eat straightthrough, unless I burst my buttons off," whispered Geordie toWill, as he surveyed the bounteous stores before him with ahopelessboysmilitary bootssigh.
"Afellow never knows what he can do till he tries," answered Will,attacking his heaped-up plate with an evident intention of doing hisduty like a man.
Everybodyknows what a Christmas dinner is, soredboot laceswe need waste no words in describing this one, but hasten at once totell what happened at the end of it. The end, by the way, was so longin coming that the gas was lighted before dessert was over, for asnow flurry had come on and the wintry daylight faded fast. But thatonly made it all the jollier in the warm, bright rooms, full of happysheepskinbootsouls. Everyone was very merry, but Archie seemed particularlyuplifted so much so, that Charlie confided to Rose that he was afraidthe Chief had been at the decanters.
Roseindignantly denied the insinuation, for when healths were drunk inthe good old-fashioned way to suit the elders, she had observed thatAunt Jessie's boys filled their glassesjordanshosewith water, and had done the same herself in spite of the Prince'sjokes about "the rosy."