HTTP Client Methods - GET and POST

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/01 17:22:07
There are three commonly used HTTP methods
The GET method
The GET method is used to retrieve web pages from the server. It is a part of the request line from the client and tells the server to pass a copy of the document back to the browser or run a CGI program.
GET is also used to send user information from an online form on a web page to the server. Through this, the data is sent as a part of the URL in ‘name-value‘ pairs.
The XHTML code code for a simple form would look something like this (XHTMl is simply a slightly more advanced form of HTML):
First Name:
Last Name:

And this will be displayed in the browser as:
First Name:
Last Name:
Note: Submit button does not work here!
Now, let us suppose your name is John Doe. When you submit this form, the data is attached to the URL in name-value pairs. Each name-value pair is demarcated by a ‘&‘ sign and the data is separated from the actual URL with a ‘?‘ sign. Thus after submission the URL in the address/location bar of the browser will be as:
Note how the ? and & sign separate the URL from the data and the name-value pairs, respectively.
You can also call CGI programs by supplying data with the URL in an HTML link like:
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