
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/06 08:47:30

1.Bland平淡无奇的 eg:As a result,news coverage tends out to be bland

2.Blunt 直言不讳地 eg:Clinton’s summation was startlingly blunt:”It is better to have reached no agreement than to have reached an empty agreemeny”

3.At stake 危机存亡关头的,有可能丧失或受损的 eg:At a news conference,Perry declared that the credibility of the community(NATO) was at stake.

4.Burgeoning 正快速发展的 eg:Genetic information is the raw material of the burgeoning biotechnology industry,which uses human DNA to build specialized proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs.

5.Coherent 前后连贯的,有条理的 eg:Curry…impressed Clinton with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party’s traditional and moderate wings.

6.Comprehensive 包罗广泛的,全面的 eg:Grove delivered a sharp,comprehensive report,his bosses were impressed.

7.Conciliatory 有和解之意的 eg:The executive director of the Christian Coalition told a prominent Jewish audience,in a conciliatory speech,that calling the US a “Christian nation” is wrong…

8.Conscious 意识到的 eg:socially-conscious 社会关怀的

9.Conventional 传统的,一般的,普通的 eg:The voice-recognition technology will not be on conventional desktop computers only,it will be available in any sort of electric information processing device.

10.Critical 重大的,有关键地位的

11.Crutial 关键的,重大的

12.Cunning 狡猾的,精明的 eg:Perhaps the most cunning Disney trick is to take fairy tales in the public domain and reinvent them as corprate property.

13.Dazzling 令人目眩神移的 eg:With computers doubling in speed and power every couple of years and with genetic engineering's dazzling feats growing more and more routine,the battered American faith in technologic progress has been growing stronger and giddier of late.14.Dedicated 专注的 eg:In Singapore,dedicated Net users are planning to maintain unfettered access by jumping borders and dialing services in neighboring Malaysia.15.Desoerate 迫切的 eg:Bereft of patrons,desperate to rescue his economy,Fidel Castro turns to an unusual solution16.Determined 坚定的 eg:Author Joe Kane came across a determined priest,a Spaniard who han spent yers teaching a tribe of hunter gatherers,the Huaorani,how to survive outside their rainforest habitat.17.Disastrous 灾情惨重的 eg:The Kobe quake was only slightly bigger than the Northfidge tremor but more disastrous.18.Distinct 不易混淆的,独特的 eg:Many scientists consider the Khoisan a distinct race of very ancient organ.19.Doomed 注定的,命定的 eg:He started at the top,of course,but the fact that he is staying there has frustrated the popular wisdom that an early front runner is doomed to fall.20.Eccentric 特立独行的,行为怪异的 eg:The eccentric,fact-based best seller Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil sparks a rush to see where it all took place.21.Elevated 崇高的 eg:It turns out,however,that not every man who reached the pinnacle of American leadership was a gleaming example of self-awareness,empathy,impulse control and other qualities that mark an elevated EQ.22.Enduring 持久的 eg:The plan ,undecorated object,representing the enduring tole art has played throuthout China's history ,takes pride of place in the sumpruous Splendors of Imperial China,which opened last week at New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art.to take pride of place (在一组事物中)被视为最重要的23.Explicit 明白表示的,直言的 eg:But they won't be able to filter the Internet .They are explicit about that.24.Exquisite 精巧的 eg:The show also includes an exquisite Seurar seascape,some notable Cezannes and considerable painting by Courbet,Gauguin,Van Gogh and others.25.Extravagant 奢侈的,挥霍的 eg:Could this fate befall James Cameron,Hollywood's most daring and extravagant auteur?26.Fantastic 极大的,难以置信的,极好的,了不起的27.Ferocious 凶猛的 eg:This puts Clinton in something of a no-win siuation:he is unlikely to gain much credit if the bailout secceeds,but will catch ferocious flak it it fails.