
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 13:34:57
北京严阵以待对付通胀 Price rises put Beijing on alert英国《金融时报》 杰夫•代尔 北京报道  


If there were any doubt that the world’s two largest economies are on very different tracks, it was underlined this week. Just as Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, told Congress it was necessary to buy $600bn in government bonds to fend off the threat of deflation, Wen Jiabao, Chinese premier, was promising “forceful” measures to cope with rising inflation.

如果说过去还有人对世界两大经济体的行进轨道截然不同有所怀疑,上周的事件便是反驳他的有力证据。当美联储主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)刚刚向国会指出有必要购买6000亿美元的政府债券以抵御通缩威胁时,中国总理温家宝承诺将采取“有力“措施应对通胀上升。

The Chinese government has been put on full alert over the past week since the release of October inflation figures showing an unexpected spurt to 4.4 per cent. Appearing in a supermarket in Guangzhou, Mr Wen promised subsidies for those on low incomes, a crackdown on commodity market manipulation and – if needed – price controls on essential foods.


Mr Wen was speaking beside shelves of cabbages, which have been one of the main culprits. The prices of 18 vegetables monitored by the authorities have increased 62.4 per cent during the past year, contributing to food price inflation in October of 10.1 per cent, year on year.


Inflation is a long way from the near-20 per cent levels that fanned unrest during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, but it does not take too sharp an increase in prices for all sorts of uneasiness to seep into the Chinese system.


Even at an inflation level of 4.4 per cent, there are already signs that consumers are starting to hoard goods. Jiang Quangen, who runs a vegetable stall near Beijing’s main train station, says one old woman bought 35kg of sweet potatoes on Thursday – enough to last her several months. Wang Huiying, a saleswoman at the nearby Wumart supermarket, says that in recent days a number of customers have bought half a dozen 5kg bottles of vegetable oil.


Mr Wen’s principal motivation is to try to restrain such behaviour and anchor inflationary expectations. Not only do fears about inflation damage the Communist party’s image of economic competence, they could set off damaging consequences for the rest of the economy. Chinese households hold $4,500bn in bank deposits, which are currently earning negative real returns. If they started to lose confidence in the long-term value of their bank savings, it could unleash a destabilising flood of funds into other markets.


Yet even as China raised reserve requirements for banks on Friday, this week’s announcements have been more political theatre than real substance. One reason is that there is still plenty of debate between policymakers about how serious the underlying inflation problem really is and what should be done about it.


While food prices have spiked, the prices of other goods have not risen so strongly – non-food inflation was only 1.6 per cent last month. That has led some to conclude that the current inflation is a temporary phenomenon, probably caused by bad weather during the summer, which will disappear with the next harvest of vegetables in two or three months. “Monetary policy cannot affect the weather,” as one official puts it.


But others believe rising food prices are the harbinger of broader inflationary pressures created by the huge monetary stimulus China has embarked on during the past two years. New bank loans doubled in 2009 and the M2 measure of money supply has expanded nearly 50 per cent in two years. Hot money sparked by loose monetary policy in the US is only adding to the build-up in liquidity, while the prices in a whole range of asset markets have been exploding. “There is a clear and present danger that a vicious inflationary cycle will take off,” says Stephen Green, an economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai.

但另一些人认为,食品价格上涨是全面通胀的前兆,而正是过去两年里中国实施的大规模货币刺激措施催生了通胀压力。2009年新增银行贷款增加了一倍,而两年内M2货币供应量扩大了近50%。美国宽松货币政策激发的热钱只会进一步加剧流动性的累积,与此同时,各类资产市场价格都呈现出爆炸性上涨。“恶性通胀循环发生的危险明确无疑、迫在眉睫,”渣打银行(Standard Chartered)驻上海经济学家王志浩(Stephen Green)表示。

Within the government there are also tensions about how to fight inflation. Mr Wen raised the prospect this week of price controls on foodstuffs, yet few officials believe this policy can have much impact. Even with its huge planning apparatus, Beijing can no longer tell 600m farmers how much they can charge for their goods.


The spike in inflation should strengthen the hand of the technocrats at the central bank who have been arguing for some months for higher interest rates and restrictions on bank lending. But a big jump in rates would be resisted by elements of the party-state, including the state-owned companies and local governments, which have borrowed so heavily during the past two years.


Supporters of a stronger currency should also now be in a stronger position – which could help dissipate some of the international tensions building up about China’s exchange rate. And even if the nominal exchange rate does not rise that quickly, inflation is boosting China’s real exchange rate, which should assist rebalancing.


Yet there is a complication. If China reduces bank lending next year to restrain inflation, it will damp demand for imported commodities. That could mean further expansion in the politically sensitive trade surplus, even with a stronger currency.
