
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 18:58:59
1. VRD定义:数字参考咨询就是建立在网络基础上的将用户与专家的学科专业知识联系起来的问答式服务;数字参考服务利用因特网将人们与那些能够回答咨询并支持发展这种技能的人联系起来。
2. ALA (MARS Ad Hoc Committee on Virtual Reference Guidelines (2003, May). Draft Guidelines 5/2003.) Definition of "Virtual Reference Services": "Virtual reference is reference service initiated electronically, often in real-time, where users employ computers or other Internet technology to communicate with librarians, without being physically present." (MARS, 2003)
3. NISO的描述:数字参考咨询,也称为虚拟参考咨询和在线参考咨询,作为图书馆服务的新项目正在公共图书馆和大学图书馆不断兴起;它允许读者向图书馆员提交通过电子手段回答的问题;数字参考咨询可以是以聊天形式的同步咨询,以E-MAIL形式的异步咨询,或者是两者的结合。
4. LOC的Diane Kresh定义:“digital reference = access to information + use of new technologies”。数字参考咨询特征描述:数字参考咨询中经常利用的渠道包括实时问答(聊天)、语音协议(VoIP)、电子邮件和即时消息等。
数字参考咨询的流程: 1)问题接收 2)提问解析和分派 3)专家作出答案 4)答案发送 5)跟踪。
1) Patron: person asking the questions.
2) Filterer: this may be a person or an automatic process which filters the non-questions (for example, repeat questions, inquiries about previous transactions, unclear, out-of-scope, or spam).
3) Answerer: person who assists the patron with information needs.
4) Administrator: person who monitors workflow, clears the way for answerers and filterers to do their jobs, may assign questions and check answers for content.
5) Coordinator: person(s) responsible for defining and implementing policies and procedures that involve the operation on the service.
Virtual Reference Desk Conference Proceedings
1 .Institution: Long Beach Public Library
Why it's innovative: The home page is a representative example of how an eye-catching icon can immediately draw attention to itself. Text links to the virtual reference page are provided as well. The virtual reference page is an illustration of how a page can be written with both adults and children in mind. Long Beach Public is provides its chat service as a participant in the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System (MCLS) administered by the California State Library.
Reviewed: June 2003
2 .Institution: University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries
Why it's innovative: Exemplifying the use of forceful positive language is this home page with its "Real Help! Right Now!" link. The resulting chat entry page has an inviting welcoming statement as well as links to email reference and frequently asked library questions.
Reviewed: June 2003
3 .Institution: University of New Brunswick Libraries
Why it's innovative: Ask a Librarian section on the right provides easy access to email, telephone, or chat services. The LIVE service is an excellent example of expanding a chat service to provide for scheduled meetings and appointments as well as standard chat reference.
Reviewed: June 2003
The following three institutions serve as models of how to cluster and integrate reference services on a single Web page and demonstrate the use of creative images:
4 .Columbia University Libraries - Ask a Librarian
5 .MIT Libraries - Ask Us! or Help Yourself
6 .Montgomery County Public Library, Maryland - Ask-a-Librarian Reference Services