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来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 16:20:53

   The secret is ...that we need each other, the weak and the strong. Obviously the weak need the strong. What is less easily understood is that the strong need the weak. That is the secret.

   (M)any will come to L'Arche to serve the poor. And that is good. But then they will stay in our communities, because they have discovered that they are poor, that we all have a wound, that we are all vulnerable, that there is a broken part in each of us,...that we all have masks and system of protection, hiding our vulnerability,... that inside all of us, there is a place where anger hides, and fear, and depression, maybe broken sexuality, a capacity to live and lock ourselves up into a world of dreams. Thai is the reality of all of us. We have a handicap. It's all of us... some it's more visible; others it's less. But the reality is there. We come to serve the poor. We discover, after awhile, that we are the poor.

   But then... then, there is another discovery, that the good news is not announced to those who serve the poor, but that it is announced to those who are poor, to those who are weak, those who, in their weakness, serve the strong. Incredible power of the powerless. You see, people who have power, maybe we seek them in order to receive some share of power. We seek somebody in power.

   But people like the beautiful child, Innocent, have another power. (Vanier had spoken earlier in his talk about Innocent, an adolescent resident of a L'Arche community in the Ivory Coast.) There was an incredible beauty. She couldn't speak. She couldn't use her hands. Of course, the thing with Innocent was that she didn't touch or awaken what I would call our "ego," our need to prove. She didn't ask for knowledge. She didn't ask for power. She didn't ask for money or generosity. She only asked on thing, "Do you love me?"

   Innocent was demanding, because she could do nothing by herself. She needed to be clothed. She needed to be brought to the toilet. She needed to be fed. She needed...,she needed...,obviously, she needed somebody to be there, to play with her. That's demanding. It's true, it's very demanding. So the mystery is always that the poor, the weak ,the powerless are crying out. But frequently we d‘ not want to hear the cry of the poor, because of many reasons: fear, other things to do, multiplicity of reasons. So the poor always disturb. Always disturb. They break our patterns, our programs. We have already decided what we want to do, and the cry of the poor comes to disturb. That's why we don't want to listen to it.


But at the same time, the mystery is that they do disturb, and they awaken. They don't just touch our hearts; they punch our hearts. You know people in pain; we can nerver be neutral to people in pain. It is the power of the powerless; the power of the weak. Innocent doesn't excite in our hearts a desire for power or wealth. She doesn't create inside of us fear,... of being hurt, or of being crushed. Her eyes, her littleness, and her trust, these seem to awaken something very deep in the human heart. The innocence of Innocent tells us who we are. >


People come to discover the secret, the secret which obviously man do not know, because in many places there is that need to crush the weak. But that secret also is known in many, many places; that those who are powerless have a gift to give, to transform our hearts. The secret... That is we get close to those who are broken, according to our call, according to the gift of our hearts, according to our situation, if we get close to people who are powerless, people in need, people crying out. If we enter into relationship with them, not just..., not just doing something for them, but looking them in the eyes, entering into a relationship where we enter into them. If we do that, certainly we will touch our own pain. We will touch our own fears. That is why we need community, because we can do nothing all alone. We need to belong. We only know ourselves and each other when we live with our weakness.

       from George Kunz" The paradox of power and weakness" xiii-xv.