How to Add Properties to Custom WPF Control

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 17:03:12
In the first post of this series I talked about some principles ofcreating a custom WPF control.  In this post I want to jump in development details by talking about adding properties to a custom control.
Normal Properties
You know how to write properties for a class in .NET (is there anybody who doesn‘t know?!).  But in WPFmost elements use a special type of properties, Dependency Property. WPF uses dependency properties because they provide some extra featuresthat are not provided in normal properties.
As I said in previous post there is a hierarchy for classes in WPF.  As we derive our custom controls from FrameworkElement base class and this class is derived from DependencyObject (indirectly) then all our custom control classes have all requirements to support dependency properties.
Toadd a new property to a custom control class you can add a dependencyproperty to it.  This dependency property must be added to the staticconstructor of the class.  You can store the value of this propertyinto a static property.
On the other hand you can declare public get and set accessors for your property but it‘s also possible to call GetValue() and SetValue() methods from the base class.
Below is an example of adding a new property to a custom control.  MyControl is a custom control that is derived from ItemsControl base class.  ItemsCount is a new property for MyControl to work as a shortcut for its Items.Count property which is based on CountProperty dependency property and is already present in ItemsControl base class.  In public static constructor I register this dependency property with DependencyProperty.Register() method.  There is also a get and set accessor pair to access to this property.
public class MyControl : ItemsControl
static MyControl()
CountProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Count",
typeof(int), typeof(MyControl));
static DependencyProperty CountProperty;
public int ItemsCount
return (int)base.GetValue(CountProperty);
base.SetValue(CountProperty, value);
Attached Properties
Anothertype of properties in WPF is attached property.  Attached propertiesare some properties that belong to one element but are declared inother elements (i.e. Grid.Row or Grid.Column property for Grid element).
Definingan attached property is very similar to a normal property with a fewdifferences.  You must register an attached property with DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached()method and define your get and set accessors in a different way.  Inorder to declare your accessors you need to write them manually and geta DependencyObject as target control and call its GetValue() and SetValue() methods.
Below is another example to declare MyAttachedProperty as an attached property.
public class MyControl : Control
static MyControl()
MyAttachedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("MyAttached",
typeof(int), typeof(MyControl));
static DependencyProperty MyAttachedProperty;
public static int GetCountProperty(DependencyObject target)
return (int)target.GetValue(MyAttachedProperty);
public static void SetCountProperty(DependencyObject target, int value)
target.SetValue(MyAttachedProperty, value);
Property Invalidation
Thelast thing that should be mentioned about properties in a customcontrol is property invalidation.  Sometimes you need to be aware ofproperty changes to update your code based on these changes.  Addingproperty invalidation callbacks to a custom control is as easy asadding a PropertyChangedCallback object to a PropertyMetadata object and add this PropertyMetadata object to Register() or RegisterAttached() methods.  In the last example I updated the code of first example to call a method when CountProperty value is changed.
public class MyControl : ItemsControl
static MyControl()
PropertyChangedCallback countChangedCallback =
new PropertyChangedCallback(CountChanged);
PropertyMetadata metaData =
new PropertyMetadata(countChangedCallback);
CountProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Count",
typeof(int), typeof(MyControl), metaData);
static DependencyProperty CountProperty;
public int ItemsCount
return (int)base.GetValue(CountProperty);
base.SetValue(CountProperty, value);
static void CountChanged(DependencyObject property,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
MessageBox.Show("Count is changed!");
Ifyou‘re looking for a sample to show the result in a custom control,wait until I finish my posts then I‘ll create a simple control and willapply it in an application to show how these things work together.