
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/27 23:40:45
1. Bolivia's "Road of Death"1、玻利维亚的“死亡之路”
North Yungas Road is hands-down the most dangerous in the world for motorists. If other roads could be considered impassable, this one clearly endangers your life. It runs in the Bolivian Andes, 70 km from La Paz to Coroico, and plunges down almost 3,600 meters in an orgy of extremely narrow hairpin curves and 800-meter abyss near-misses. 对驾驶员来说,北央葛斯路无疑是世界上最危险的公路。如果有些路被认为是不可通行的话,那么这条路无疑将危及你的生命。这条公路坐落在玻利维亚安的第斯山脉。自拉巴斯至科罗伊科,全长70公里,极度狭窄的U形弯路绵延3600米,司机随时可能坠入800米深的悬崖。
A fatal accident happens there every couple of weeks, 100-200 people perish there every year. In 1995 the Inter-American Development Bank named the La Paz-to-Coroico route "the world's most dangerous road." 那里每几个星期就有一次重大的交通事故发生,每年有100到200人丧生。1995年泛美开发银行将这条从拉巴斯到科罗伊科的公路命名为“世界上最危险的公路”。
Among the route there are many visible reminders of accidents, wrecked carcasses of lorries and trucks lie scattered around at the bottom...在这条路的沿线你可以看到很多事故的遗迹,比如你可以看见失事卡车的残骸散落在峡谷底部。

The buses and heavy trucks navigate this road, as this is the only route available in the area. Buses crowded with locals go in any weather, and try to beat the incoming traffic to the curves. 由于这一地区只有这一条公路,所以巴士和卡车不得不行驶在这条危险的公路上。无论天气如何,这条公路上总是挤满了巴士和当地居民,他们总试图将来往的车辆挤向外面。
It does not help that the fog and vapors rise up from the heavily vegetated valley below, resulting in almost constant fogs and limited visibility. Plus the tropical downpours cause parts of the road to slide down the mountain.水蒸气从长满植物的谷底升上来,致使这里的雾几乎从未消散,能见度极为有限。加上热带的暴雨,部分路面早已滑入山谷。

Apparently some companies make business on the road's dubious fame by selling the extreme bike tours down that road. "Gravity Assisted Mountain Biking" is one of them. (you can read one such biker's account here.) If you are nuts enough to consider it, please be advised that you will be only adding to the road hazards, as it's hard to spot a cyclist on the road's hairpin curves, and your shrieks (as you fall down the abyss) will disturb the peace and quiet of the villagers nearby.

2. Russian Siberian Road to Yakutsk2、俄罗斯西伯利亚至雅库茨克的之路。
This is the official federal-government highway to Yakutsk, and it is also the only one to get there. As there are no other roads, the intrepid motorists are doomed to wallow in this dirt, or wait in week-long 100 km car line-ups (they say women even gave birth there while waiting). 这是一条到雅库茨克的国道,也是唯一通往雅库茨克的道路。由于没有其他道路,那些勇敢的司机们注定车陷泥潭。当然他们也有别的选择:加入长达100公里的等车队伍等待数周(他们说怀孕的女人甚至在等待的过程中生孩子)。
This can turn into a major humanitarian disaster during rainy spells, when the usual clay covering of the road turns into impassable mud blanket, swallowing trucks and tractors alike. In the meantime the city has to partly airlift food products.在雨季这会产生严重的人道主义灾难。当普通的泥土覆盖住公路,它将会变成无法穿越的泥潭,吞噬着一切试图接近它的卡车或是拖拉机。与此同时雅库茨克市又不得不空运食品。

Here is an aerial shot of this road in winter:下图是这条公路的冬季航拍照片:

The "Haunted Road" in Russia俄罗斯的“闹鬼公路”
There are also rumors of seemingly quite normal 30 km stretch of Russian country road, which nevertheless gets an unexplained amount of car accidents; the locals suspect underground gas seepage which causes motorists to fall asleep... 那里还流传着这条长30公里看似平常的国道的种种传言。这条公路上总是发生一些无法解释的事故。当地人怀疑是地下气体泄漏致使司机在驾驶时入睡。
This creepy tale is supported by the evidence of car crash statistics and the tales of survivors, who do not remember anything prior to the crash and act strangely "drugged" afterwards. Hopefully this will be properly investigated before the road claims more victims.车祸统计数据以及生还者的行为佐证了这个令人毛骨悚然的故事:生还者无法回忆起事故发生前的状况,在事发后又神志不清。
3. Russian-Georgian "Military" Mountain Roads3、俄罗斯-格鲁吉亚“军用”山路
Sukhumi "Military" road in the former Soviet Georgia, in Caucasus mountains, which truckers and wine-drunk crazy "Lada" drivers navigate with the utter abandon, typical of the local mountain people... but we could not locate any photos of it. Only this old postcard... If you have any more pics, send them in.位于高加索山林地带的前苏联格鲁吉亚呼苏米“军路”上卡车司机和醉酒的疯狂“拉卡”司机疯狂的驾驶。这对当地人来说习以为常,但是除了这张明信片以外,我们却见不到一张照片。如果你有更多的照片请发给我们。

4. Nepal, Tibet & Bangladesh Roads4、尼泊尔、西藏以及孟加拉公路
Those bound for Mount Everest will know what we talk about. There are some hair-raising, hardly maintained roads in the area - which bus and truck drivers have to negotiate to get to small villages. A road in Nepal, leading from From Katmandu to Everest Base Camp:曾经开放珠穆朗玛峰的人知道我们在谈论什么。那里有令人毛骨悚然,几乎从未被维护的公路。为了到达一些小山村巴士和卡车司机不得不冒险驶上这条公路。这条公路位于尼泊尔境内,由加德满都通往珠峰大本营。

A typical India-Nepal Road:典型的印度-尼泊尔公路:

5. Most Dangerous Tourist Hiking Trail (China)5、最危险的徒步观光路线(中国)
Not a car road, but the most hair-raising experience you can have on your own two legs. This is a heavy-tourist traffic area in Xian (Mt.Huashan); this link explains more about the area.没有一条汽车可以行使的道路,一切都凭着你的双脚。这是西安(华山)的一个旅游热点地区。我想这条缆线就足以解释这一地区有多危险了。

The hanging wooden planks are a real tourist hike path, which hundreds of daredevils navigate - with no safeguards in sight. Try to step on them in slippery / snowy conditions... or better not.那些悬挂着的木板确实是一条旅游线路。数百名勇士勇往直前,而视野所及范围内却没有看到任何安全设施。试着在下雨/下雪的情况下踩上它们......还是算了吧。

And when you're finally through with all this excitement, here is an outhouse for you (but do not make any false moves):当你心惊胆战的通过这条小路之后,你可以看见一个厕所(但是千万要小心)。