
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/05/06 14:23:15

A new-born fitnesst appears, it is the nude fitness.It means doing exercises with nothing on. You could find the curves of your body tending to be nicer with your own eyes, instead of weighting. You can also relax yourself totally by this way,especially in the nude yoga...
裸体健身悄悄流行起来了,这是一种新型的健身运动。顾名思义,就是指一丝不挂的进行健身活动。裸体健身虽然刺激,但却好处多多,比如说你可以眼睁睁的看着身体的曲线一点点显现出来,而不是依靠称体重来判断减肥成果。同时,裸体瑜珈,更让人身心放松。这样的裸体运动,你敢做吗?... ..
皮特: This is going to be a good game.全文>>
尤利塞斯: It sure is, and the beer only makes it better.
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汤姆: I took a climbing class once and learned how to belay and tie knots, but I've never seen anything like this.全文>>
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