
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 02:07:35



生活中五种不好,但几乎人人有的东西。厄……自己果然都有。1. 不良语言。2. 瘾,网瘾啊等。3. 过多优先事项。4. 不健康饮食。5. 过多目标。

All our possessions are just a reflection of our inner self. If you are simple and organized inside then you will not have any problems keeping your desk clutter-free or surviving with just half of your wardrobe. On the other hand, if your thoughts are a mess and your habits are as far from being healthy as a cow is from flying then your house will reflect the exact thing that is going on inside of you.


Cleaning up your lifestyle is an essential part of bringing your life in balance. Get rid of everything you do not need, add something that you are missing and here you go: a perfectly balanced life right in front of you!
Clean up your language. Every day we speak, communicate, sometimes yell, cry, whisper, joke, write, read and of course we use language for all these activities. Conversation is a huge part of our lives and while one conversation can cheer you up another one can totally bring you down.

1. 清理你的语言。每一天,我们说话、交流,有时大喊、呼叫、轻语、开玩笑、书写、阅读——在所有这些活动中运用语言。交谈是我们生活中极大的一部分,有一些交谈可以让你振奋,而另一些交谈完全可以让你消沉。

Our tongue has tremendous power to influence the way we feel, act and live. Pay attention to how you speak. Do you cuss often? Do you often say things you do not really mean? Do you hurt people with your words? Do you hurt yourself with your words?


Simplify your language by saying only things that you mean and things that matter.


It is amazing how much more balance you can bring into your life by watching your language:


Foul language reminds me of fast food. Almost everyone knows that it is not healthy but some people just keep doing it because they are used to it. Cussing and vulgar language can be acceptable in a variety of settings ranging from locker rooms and bedrooms to situations when you have just dropped an iron on your foot. However, making it part of your daily language simply does not make any sense to me. By learning to control your language you will also learn to control your emotions.


You will show respect to your loved ones and learn to handle conflicts better if you just watch what you are saying. I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like “I always knew that you are a loser!” “My mama was right; I should have never married you!” “You care only about yourself!” It hurts to hear things like that, especially to hear these things from a person you love. Many couples can enjoy a more balanced relationship simply by learning to control their tongues.


Stop using negative generalizations like “I always fail,” “Things never work out for me,” “I can never be a creative person,” “I am just not lucky.” Focus on things that are positive and ignore any remarks that you might hear from people around you. A lot of times you are what you say.


Clean up addictions. “Addiction is something bad related to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or gambling.” Is it what you are thinking? While these addictions definitely have to be cleaned up from your lifestyle there are others that seem harmless at first. It can be Internet, food, TV, video games, work, shopping, you name it! You can identify addictions in your lifestyle if you look at all activities during your day. Is there something that you just have to do and you feel a constant desire to do that? Maybe you’ve heard from your friends or relatives that you spend too much time doing … but you ignore those remarks constantly.

2. 清理瘾。“瘾是一种有关毒品、酒精、香烟或赌博的不好的东西。“这是你认为的么?固然这些瘾绝对要被清理出你的生活,还有一些一开始看似无害的瘾。它可以是网络、食物、电视、电玩、工作、购物,随便你说!如果你考量你每天生活中的活动,你就可以发现这些生活方式中的瘾。是否有一种你就是要去做,而且你感到一种持续的要去做它的欲望的东西?或许你曾听你的朋友或亲戚说你花了太多时间在……但你经常性地忽视了这些谈论。

Addictions tend to suck up your time and money and they leave you feeling empty, low on energy and not satisfied. Be honest with yourself and if you identify signs of addictions in your life make an effort to get rid of them.


Clean up priorities. Priorities are a wonderful thing to have but not when you have too many of them. I don’t think they have created a superman or superwoman serum yet, so if you want to feel balanced you need to make your choices. You can’t be a perfect parent, build an amazing career, make tons of money, spend a lot of time with your friends, work out daily at the gym and have enough time for self-growth and hobbies. Some things have to be at the top of your list while others can be left behind (at least for a while.) When you choose the right priorities everything will fall in place and you will feel satisfied with the choices that you make in life.

3. 清理优先事项。有优先事项是一件很美好的事情,但当你有太多的时候就不是了。我不觉得他(她)们已经创造出了超人或女超人血清,所以如果你想要感到安定,你需要做出自己的选择。你不可以既是一个完美的父母、建立一个令人惊叹的事业、挣很多钱,又跟朋友花很多时间、每天都去做健身、还有充足的时间留给自我充实和兴趣爱好。有些事情需要在你清单的顶端,而另一些事情可以被放下(至少在一段时间内)。当你选择出正确的优先事项时,所有的事情都会顺利进行,而你将对你在生活中做出的选择感到满意。

Clean up your diet. What you eat affects how you feel, how much energy you have and how healthy you are (of course!) I believe that a clean diet can benefit both body and soul and bring your mind in balance with your body. Here are a few steps to clean up your diet:

4. 清理你的食谱。你所吃的影响你的感觉,你所拥有的能量,还有你的健康(必然啊!)我相信一个干净的食谱有益于身体和心灵,并且使你的思维与身体平衡。这是一些清理你食谱的步骤:

no fast-food


eliminate highly-processed foods


add as much fresh produce as possible


go organic if you can afford it


read labels (do not buy anything with trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils), high fructose corn syrup or long lists of chemicals that you cannot pronounce)


try to cook most of your meals from scratch using only healthy ingredients


eliminate sugary drinks and drink as much water as possible.


Clean up your goals. Goals are similar to priorities. When there are a couple of goals in different areas of your life you can manage them without sacrificing your sanity. When your lifestyle turns into an endless to-do list then you feel out of control and out of balance. Focus on the things that matter the most right now. Set up a goal and break it down into smaller steps and tackle it just one step at a time. Reevaluate your goals after comparing them with your life priorities.

5. 清理你的目标。目标和优先事项类似。当有数个目标在你生活中的不同方面时,你不需牺牲你的健康心智就可以管理它们。但当你的生活变成一个无穷尽的目标清单时,那你就会感到失控和不平衡。注意目前最紧要的事情。建立一个目标,并把它分拆成小的步骤,一次一步地去解决它。在与优先事项作对比之后,重新评估你的目标。

A well-organized and clean lifestyle is like a perfectly organized house. Living like that is easy, comfortable and enjoyable. It is a huge step to your overall life balance. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.


Keep it balanced!
