Spring 2.0 and Beyond - Parleys - The Belgian Java User Group

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SpringOne ‘06 DVD ALL SpringOne talks for only 49 Euro!

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1.Intro 00:11
2.Topics 00:32
3.What is Spring? 00:09
4.Much more than an IoC container... 01:54
5.Enabling Technologies 01:17
6.Spring 2.0 Goals 00:17
7.Spring 2.0 Core Goals 01:21
8.Annotation Driven Transactions 00:40
9.Annotation Driven Transactions 01:07
10.Annotation Driven Transactions 00:25
11.Annotation Driven Transactions 00:08
12.AOP: AspectJ Library Aspect 00:51
13.Use in Spring 2.0 XML 00:15
14.Use in @AspectJ Programming Model
15.Use in @AspectJ Programming Model
16.Use in @AspectJ Programming Model
17.Deployment choice: Compile with AspectJ
18.Use in @AspectJ Programming Model
19.Deployment choice: Compile with AspectJ 00:04
20.Recap: Why AOP Matters 00:43
21.Enterprise application vocabulary 00:59
22.Requirements 00:43
23.Meaningful abstractions
24.Meaningful abstractions
25.Meaningful abstractions
26.Faithfulness to requirements
27.Faithfulness to requirements
28.System Architecture
29.Spring 2.0 unifies AOP programming model 00:40
30.AOP in Practice 01:14
31.Spring 2.0: Building out the Spring Component Model 02:03
32.Grid-enabled POJOs with Spring 02:50
33.Spring and Space-Based Architecture (SBA): How do they fit together? 00:43
34.Spring on SBA - non intrusive SBA 00:13
35.Spring Enables Applications To Evolve 00:30
36.Building out the Spring component model: Multi-language support 00:36
37.Multi-language support
38.Multi-language support
39.2006 - Year in Review
40.Themes of 2006
41.May: Pitchfork Project
42.May: Oracle Fusion Middleware Building on Spring
44.Spring-based application Processes - almost all UK Inter-bank payments at Voca
46.European Patent Office: Spring Success Story
47.Worldwide Patent Search
48.Hours of Spring-powered Fun!
49.Full Document Retrieval
50.Hours of Spring-powered Fun!
51.September: 1 million downloads
52.Themes for 2007...
53.Themes for 2007
54.OSG - what?
55.OSG - what?
56.OSG - what?
57.OSGi: A Module System...
58....and it‘s Dynamic!
59.Spring and OSGi: Complementary Technologies
60.Spring OSGi - Project goals
61.Project collaborators
62.Spring modules
63.Spring Makes it Easy! - Exporting a Service
64.Spring Makes it Easy! - Importing a Service
68.The Big Picture
69.The Spring Portfolio
70.Typical application layering
71.Data access layer
72.Other back-ends...
73.Spring LDAP
75.Service layer
77.Asynchronous tasks
79.Acegi Security for Spring
80.Security - impacts all layers
81.Presentation Layer: Spring Web Flow
82.Spring Web Flow
83.Presentation Layer: Spring Rich Client
84.Tooling: Spring IDE
85.Spring IDE: WebFlow editor
86.Spring IDE : p namespace
87.Spring IDE : AOP support
88.ESB - Mule integration
89.ESB - Mule integration
90.The Open SOA Collaboration
91.Service Component Architecture
92.Any Spring Application is "SCA-ready"...
93.Not just about the Spring Framework
94.Integrated Release Train
Spring 2.0 introduced major enhancements in the Spring Framework making it both simpler to use and more powerful. In this session, Rod discusses some of the enhancements through code examples, focusing on: - Extensible XML configuration, support for dynamic languages in the Spring component model, and support for JPA.
Rod demonstrates how Spring 2.0 provides a launching pad for further developments in 2007, discussing the implications of OSGi integration for the Spring component model, and additional configuration options.
Finally Rod surveys the Spring Portfolio, and show how the ecosystem around Spring helps in many areas of enterprise development.
Rod Johnson - Creator of Spring & Best Selling Author of J2EE without EJB, is an enterprise Java architect with extensive experience in the insurance, dot-com, and financial industries. He was the J2EE architect of one of Europe‘s largest web portals, and he has worked as a consultant on a wide range of projects. Rod has an arts degree majoring in music and computer science from the University of Sydney. He obtained a Ph.D. in musicology before returning to software development. He has been working with both Java and J2EE since their release and is actively involved in the Java Community Process as a member of the JSR-154 (Servlet 2.4) and JDO 2.0 Expert Groups. He is the author of several best-selling books, like Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Wrox, 2002) and has contributed to several other books on J2EE since 2000. As founder of the Spring Framework, he speaks frequently at leading industry conferences. Rod is currently the CEO of the Interface21, the international company behind leading enterprise open source products like the Spring Framework, AspectJ and Spring Web Flow and is currently based at the London office of Interface21.
Spring OSGi — The Spring-OSGi project makes it easy to build Spring applications that run in an OSGi framework. A Spring application written in this way provides better separation of modules, the ability to dynamically add, remove, and update modules in a running system, the ability to deploy multiple versions of a module simultaneously (and have clients automatically bind to the appropriate one), and a dynamic service model.
JMS in a Spring Environment — This talk explores various usage styles for both synchronous and asynchronous JMS, illustrating the basic principles of using them in a Spring environment. Both setup in a high-end J2EE server as well as setup with standalone providers will be illustrated.
Patterns in Spring — This talk presents how Spring implements these patterns and illustrates the new approach Spring takes towards components. Also new Patterns in Spring like Exception Translator or Template are presented. This shows the principles Spring uses for the integration of different APIs and makes the design of Spring easier to understand.
Spring Web Services — Recently, there has been a shift in Web service development towards document-driven Web services. Rather than expose Java classes using RPC exporters, we are seeing Web services emerge which centralize around the Web service message. Spring Web services (Spring-WS) is a new product from the Spring community that aims to help developing these document-driven Web services. In this talk, Arjen will describe the difference between RPC and document-driven Web services.
Spring2 and Java EE 5 — Adrian Colyer continues the second part of this SpringOne keynote about how Spring and Java EE 5 work together to give you an enterprise development stack. But Adrian also covers potential Spring future features like support for OSGi, SCA, improved management of applications through JMX, further simplification of the JPA programming model etc.

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