
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 00:31:39
第二十四课:Parting Friends ACT III

How about some music? 来点音乐怎麽样
No, let's wait till Robbie gets back from the airport. 不要。我们等Robbie创 机场回 吧。
Did she say why she had to leave today? 她说了她为什麽今天贩亲 不可吗
She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, 她告诉Robbie说 她妹 天的班机取消了
so she had to take an earlier flight today. 所以她不得不在今天创 早一班的班机。
This is terrible. 真是太糟了。
Well, that must be him. 噢 一定是他。
Why is he blowing his horn like that? 为什麽他这样子按喇
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe he's angry. 也许他在生气。
Do you think we should take down the decorations? 你觉得我们应当取掉照 些装饰品吗
They'll just make him sad. 那些只会让他悲伤。
Too late now. 现在太迟了。
We should have done it sooner. 我们早就该取下来的
Oh, here he comes. 噢 他来了。
Hi. 嗨
How'd it go? 怎麽样啦
OK, I guess. 我想还好吧。
Especially when Alexandra gave me a surprise ... 特别是Alexandra给了了我一个惊喜…
Yeah? What was it? 是吗 是什麽惊喜
This! 这个
Alexandra! Alexandra
Hi! What happened? 嗨 怎麽回事
I called my parents from the airport. 我从机场打电话给我父改浮
When I told them 当我告诉他们
my friends were giving me a party, 我的朋友们为我举办亮 一个派对时
they insisted that I stay. 他们坚持要我留下来
So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. 所以我现在要改搭星破 一的班机走。
That's great! Terrific! 那太好了 太棒了
But how did you know the party was for you? 但是 怎麽知道派对适俏 举办的呢
Well, Robbie told me when he gave me this. 嗯 当Robbie送给我照 个的时候 他告诉了我。
Oh, it's so pretty! 噢 它好漂亮
It's lovely, Robbie. 它非常可爱 Robbie
All right! 好啦
Now we can really start the party! 现在我们可以真正开适 舞会了
No. Would you mind? 不。你们不介意吧
I'd like to say something first. 我想先说几句话。
Hear, hear! 我们洗耳恭听
I would just like to thank all of you, 我只是想谢谢你们大
my friends, 我的朋友们。
who have made my stay in the United States so wonderful. 是你们使得我在美国档 生活如此多采多姿。
And to Robbie and the Stewart family 且感谢Robbie和Steewart全家
for opening their home to me. 为我敞开大门。
We should thank you. 我们应当感谢 。
You're a real friend! 是个真正的朋友
You're a real friend! 是个真正的朋友
And I also have a little surprise for you, Robbie. 我也有一个小小的惊舷 给你 Robbie。
A little going-away present. 一个小小的临别礼物
Thank you. 谢谢 。
Open it, please. 请打开看看。
I think you might be amused. 我想你可能会觉得有热ぁ
OK. I can't believe it! 好的。我简直无法相
I guess we were thinking the same thought. 我想我们的心意相同
You had it engraved! 在上面刻了字
Read it, Robbie. 读出来 Robbie。
"In friendship, always. Alexandra." “友情永不渝 Alexaandra。”
I knew we thought alike, 我知道我们心意相同
but this is too much! 但是这太令人难以置行帕
Thank you. 谢谢 。
All right! 好了
Let's have some music! 我们来点音乐吧
Miss Pappas? Pappas小姐
Mr. Stewart ... Stewart先生……
Mrs. Stewart, may I have this dance? Stewart太太 我可以以请 跳这支舞
My pleasure, Doctor. 非常荣幸 医生。