
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/28 08:30:09
‘Scientists’ Withdraw Claims of Sea Levels Rising
March 13th, 2010
Climate change "scientists" have had to withdraw a 2009 study confirming a United Nations report saying sea levels probably will rise as much as 17 inches by 2100 because of "global warming."
Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner has long disputed the claims by United Nations environmentalist activists and computer model "scientists" that sea levels are rising.
瑞士地质学家和物理学家Nils-Axel Mörner曾就关于海平面上升的问题与联合国环境激进分子和计算机模拟计算“科学家们”进行过长期的辩论。
"The sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years."
Instead of using computer models, Mörner says he goes out into the field to study sea levels. For instance, after six local field investigations, he kept telling the leaders of the Maldives Islands, who have long been advocating the spending of vast sums to stop "global warming," that the sea levels had not risen, but the leaders refused to allow him to show a movie to the Maldives citizens about his findings.
Mörner说他提出了一个研究海平面问题的新的计算模型,举例来说,通过6个本地样本调查,他不断的提醒马尔代夫群岛的领导人 ,海平面没有上升,而马尔代夫的总统等主要领导者则是众所周知的全球变暖的主要鼓吹者。
Of course, Al Gore has claimed that the sea levels could rise 20 feet in the next 100 years or so, but the U.N. reports themselves only predict an increase of, at the most, 17 inches by 2100!!!
- Sources: The Guardian, 02/21/10, and The Telegraph, 03/28/09.
消息来源:英国电讯媒体集团 每日电讯报 2010年2月21日
Photo by Cherry Lynx.