Silver bullet to shoot yawning income gap ?\\Should foreigners get higher death compensation?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/30 12:06:27

Silver bullet to shoot yawning income gap ?

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2010-3-5 13:45

The widening income gap between rich and poor, one of the most urgent and toughest social problems in China, is increasingly recognized by the country's leadership as having the potential to cause social instability, a fact expressed to members of this years' meeting of China's top advisory body.

The Jiu San Society (JSS), one of China's eight officially recognized political parties, pointed out in its proposal Thursday that the disparity is widening to its peak as the rich possess 23 times more wealth than the poor – in contrast to 7.3 times in 1988 – one day after Chair man of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPCCC) Jia Qinglin pledged to adjust income distribution to promote social equality.

About 10 percent of China's wealthy own nearly 50 percent of the total urban wealth, while 10 percent of low-income households possess less than 1.5 percent of the wealth in rural and urban areas, the Farmers Daily reported Thursday, citing recent statistics released by the Ministry of Finance.

Li Shi, director of the income distribution and poverty research center of Beijing Normal University, noted that China cannot afford to continue the widening income-gap trend.
He said 40 percent on the Gini index is already too risky and China's Gini index is close to 50 percent.

"It will trigger an increasing number of protests if the issue is not addressed soon," he said. Hatred of the rich and corrupt officials has been on the rise in recent years, with many people accused of unfair or unlawful accumulation of wealth.

A significant number of CPPCC members attending the annual session in Beijing showed concern over the income gap, with some proposing solutions.

Chi Fulin, a CPPCC member, suggested that per capita income for both rural and urban residents be doubled in the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) with annual growth of no less than 15 percent.

Chen Weiming, a CPPCC member, told the Nanfang Daily that the government has to make clear the reasons for the gap and implement necessary policies, such as taxation, in order to solve the problem.

Dong Mingzhu, also a CPPCC member, said she proposed to raise the threshold of personal income tax from 2,000 to 5,000 yuan.

But Li said raising the threshold of monthly individual income tax would not fundamentally solve the problem.

"What is more urgent and essential is to raise the income tax of high-income people and explore efficient ways to monitor this group of people who can always find ways to evade taxes," he said. (From Global Times)

Debates go on and on, but where is the solution to the appallingly widening rich-poor gap  ?
Can the members of NPC and CPPCC finally settle the dust of debates coming up with a sound proposal to bridge the gap  ?


                              Yes                                                                            No

Should foreigners get higher death compensation?

Recently, the Shenzhou branch of The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China entrusted a lawyer to petition Hengyang City Immediate People's Court in Hunan Province, demanding further hearing regarding a mistaken verdict by the aforementioned company in dealing with compensation issues in a traffic accident. As a result, this quiet incident of the "domestic car accident, whether foreigners and countrymen have the same value," caused new waves of heated debates.

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2010-3-5 15:09


Feb.25, 2010. (Global Times)---The accident occurred in March 2009, when a Chinese with Singaporean citizenship, Chen Rui, died in a highway car crash. Four other people in Chen's car were injured.

Chen's parents demanded 4 million yuan ($585,827) from the drivers of two vehicles, Zheng Weihua and Zhao Guangzhong, who were blamed for the accident by police. The parents claimed that Chen, who was born in China and educated in Singapore, left them with serious pain.

A court in Hengdong county ruled in late 2009 that Zhang and Zhao should compensate the Chen 800,000 yuan ($117,165). Another four passengers injured in the accident received between 50,000 ($7,322) and 200,000 ($29,291) yuan each.

The judgment said the economic conditions in different nations and the incomes of people from different countries vary. If compensation to those from richer countries is calculated on the same level as those in China, the compensation will not be sufficient.

According to a regulation on accidents involving foreigners, the maximum death compensation for a foreigner is 800,000 yuan per person.

The judgment triggered a debate about whether a foreigner's life is worth more than a Chinese one.

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2# > A < Posted  2010-3-5 15:27  Only show this user's posts All life are equal and are all gifts by God. Life does not have nationality!