Beat me, break me. Blog Archive ? Algorithms and Data Structures

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Algorithms and Data Structures
Finite is it so far - I successfully finished the lecture ‘Algorithms and Data Structures’. Over the time I collected a lot of usefull links about several topics we discussed in AD.
Sorting algorithms:
BubbleSortInsertionSortSelectionSortMergeSortQuickSortHeapSort (German)Topologisches Sortieren (German)
For information about a lot of different sorting algorithms have a look at (German).
Avlsort, Bsort, Bitonicsort, Bitonic Mergesort, Bubblesort, Bucketsort, Combsort, Countingsort, Heapsort, Insertsort, Jumpsort, Mergesort, Minsort, MSsort, Oetsort, Partitsort, Plaselsort, Quicksort, Radixsort, Ripplesort, Selectsort, Shakersort, Shearsort, Shellsort, Simplesort, Tepifsort, Trippelsort
Offenes Hashing (German)Geschlossenes Hashing (German)
Binary (Search) TreeAVL treesB treesHuffman trees
Shortest Path Problem:
Dijkstra (German)Bellman-Ford (German)A* Algorithm
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST):
Kruskal, Prim and Boruvka algorithm
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP):
MST heuristicChristofides heuristic (German)
Hamiltonian Circuit/Path - Hamiliton-KreisEulerian Path - Eulerweg/Eulerkreis
I also came across a nice book “Software Design Using C++” which explains the basics of C++ programming language, advanced topics of C++ and several implementations for data structures and algorithms. I did not look at the code and the C++ specific part of the book - anyway the algorithms and data structures are described quite well.
# Objects and Classes
# More Complex Object-Oriented Features
# Recursion (including recursive sorting algorithms)
# Pointers
# Linked Lists
# Stacks
# Queues
# Some Computer Science Theory
# Advanced Linked Lists
# Binary Trees
# Heaps and Heapsort
# Hash Tables
# B-Trees
# AVL Trees
# C++ Exceptions
# External Sorting
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