教 育 学 词 汇 -- 课 程

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/04/29 11:04:45

人为环境||artificial environment
三段教学法||three formal lesson-steps; three formal steps
口述作文||oral composition
口授||oral instruction; oral teaching; verbal instruction
口算||oral arithmetic
口语表达||oral expression
口头报告法||oral report method
小学学科||primary subject
工作单元||unit of work; work unit
中文点字法||Chinese Braille method
五段教学法||five formal lesson-steps; five formal steps
分析教学||analytic instruction
分科教学||departmental teaching
分级;分班||class grouping
分组制||group system
分组教学||group instruction
分组实验法||brigade-laboratory method
少年文学||juvenile literature
幻灯片||lantern slide
心算||mental arithmetic
户外作业||out-door study; out-door work
户外运动||out-door sport
手工训练||manual training
手工教室||manual-training room
手语法||sign language
手语术||chirology; dactylogy
文化学科||culture subject
文学科目||literary course
方案课程||project curriculum
日志法||diary method
日课表||daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule
主科||major subject
主学习||primary learning
出席簿||attendance book
必修学科||required subject
本土知识||native knowledge
正反例证法||method of positive and negative cases
正式学科||formal subject
正误例证法||method of right and wrong cases
示范法||demonstration method; method of demonstration
示范教学||demonstration teaching
再发现法||method of rediscovery
同心圆方法||concentric circle method
同时教学法||simultaneous method
同时学习||simultaneous learning
年级分组制||grade group plan
成绩进步表||grade-progress table
自由游戏||free play
自行活动教学法||method of self-activity
自然科学通论||General science
自然发音法||phonetic method
作业指定||assignment; lesson assignment
作业单||assignment sheet
儿童中心教育||child-centered education
儿童画||children's drawing
玩具||plaything; toy
盲人用凸体文字||raised type for the blind
直接训练||direct discipline
直接教学法||direct method of teaching
直观法||intuitive method
直观教学||intuitional instruction
知识科目;资讯学科||information subject
社会化教学||Socialized teaching
附学习||accretion learning; concomitant learning
持续的课程||constant in curricula; curricula-constant
指定科目||prescribed course
指定读物||required reading
指算||Finger manipulation
指语||Finger speech; Finger language
指语字母||Finger alphabet
指导的游戏||directed play
指导的学习||directed learning; directed study
指读法||Finger reading
是非法||right-wrong method; true-false method; yes-no method
活动分析||activity analysis
活动课程||activity curriculum
活动学校||activity school
相互教学制||mutual system
研究学程;研究科目;专题研究科目||seminar course
背诵法||method of recitation
胎教||antenatal training
乘法表||multiplication table
个别教育||individual education
个别教学||individual instruction; individual teaching
个别阅读||individual reading
个案研究[法]||case study method
家庭作业||home work
家庭课业||home lesson
时事教学||current events instruction
朗诵||oral reading
案例分组法||case-group method
案例法||case history method; case method; case study method
案例教学法||case method of instruction
特殊教育||special education
特殊教学法||special didactics
班级教学||class teaching
班级经营||class management; classroom management
记忆训练||memory training
记忆术||memory system; mnemonic system; mnemonics
讨论法||method of discussion
做中学||learning by doing
副学习||associate learning
参考书||reference book
问题法||problem method
国定教科书||national textbook
基本科目;基本学科||fundamental subject
基本英语||basic English
基本学习||basic studies
基础课程{英语反复练习}||basal course
基础读物||foundation reader
专业训练||professional training
专业课程||professional curriculum
强记|| hypermnesia
从生活中学习|| learning through living
从经验中学习||learning by experience
推广科目||extension course
教材||material of instruction; matter for teaching; subject matter; subject-matter
教材选择||selection of subject matter
教育电影||educational cinema
教室讨论||class discussion
教室参观||class visitation
教室课表||room schedule
教科书||school book; text-book; textbook
教案||lesson plan
教学日志||diary for instruction
教学法||method of instruction; method of teaching; teaching method
教学科目||course of instruction
教学效能||teaching efficiency
教学专业||profession of teaching
教学单元||method-whole of teaching; teaching unit
教学模式||model of teaching
启发式教学||developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching
略读||rough reading; skimming reading
设计问题法||project problem method
设计教学法||project method of teaching; project teaching method
部分学习法||part learning method; part method
野外实习||field practice
博览法||extensive method
教授学||General didactics
普通教学法||general method of teaching
智能障碍教育||education for mental retardation
发表教学||presentative instruction
发表学科||expressive subject
童话||nursery tale
进步测验||progress test
间接训练||indirect discipline
间接教学法||indirect method of teaching
间接学习||indirect learning
集中学习||massed learning
填充法||completion method
新生训练||orientation course
会话法||conversational method
经验法;实征||empirical method
补充阅读||collateral reading
补充读物||supplementary book; supplementary reading
试探科目||exploration course [= exploratory course]
跳读||skipping reading
游戏法||play method
顿悟学习;洞悟学习||insight learning
尝试错误法||method of trial and error; trial and error method
团体游戏||organized play
图示||graphical representation
图示教学法||pictorial method; picture method
图画完成测验||picture completion test
实地工作||field work
实地学习课||field lesson
实作测验||practice test
实物||material object
实物教学||object lesson; object teaching
实习课;练习课||practice lesson
实验教育||experimental education
实验教育学;实验教学论||Experimental pedagogy
实验教学法||experimental didactics
实验学校||experimental school; laboratory school
演示课||demonstration lesson
演讲;辩论术||elocution [= oration]
精读||detailed reading
综合教学||synthetic instruction
语言矫正班||speech-correction class
辅助班级||auxiliary class
辅助学校||auxiliary school
辅导算术||remedial arithmetic
辅导学习法||supervised study
札记法||notebook method
弹性分组制||flexible shifting group plan
弹性升级||flexible promotion
模仿学习||learning by imitation
练习法||drill method; practice method
练习极限||practice limit
课程分化||curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum
课程表||program of studies; table of curriculum
课程建构||construction of curriculum
课间自习||busy work
适性教育||adaptive physical education
阅读法||reading method
阅读书单||reading list
学年会议||grade forum
学校科目||school subject
学习指导||direction of learning
学习效率||learning efficiency
整句教学法||sentence method
整体学习法||whole learning method
机械记忆||rote memory
机械教学||rote teaching
机械学习||rote learning
机机学习||learning by chance
独立阅读||independent reading
选习科||elective subject; optional subject
选择题||multiple-choice test
随机教育||incidental education
随机教学法||accidental teaching method; incidental teaching method
随机学习||incidental learning
默读||silent reading
婴儿班||baby class
戏剧表演法||method of dramatic expression
矫正教育{智能障碍教育} ||Correctional education; Corrective education
联想学习||associative learning
螺旋法||spiral method
讲述法||method of telling
讲演示范法||lecture-demonstration method
讲演法||lecture method; method of lecture
点字法||Braille method
简字||simplified spelling
简明教科书||brief textbook
证明法||method of verification
难题箱||problem box
露天教学班||fresh-air class
读书会||reading circle
读写算||three R's
体育指导员||athletic director
观念联合;联想||association of ideas
观察法||observation method